Need a bee safe spray for cockroaches and mosquitoes! Help!

by Nikki
I have two bee hives in my yard, but we live in the valley and have abundant cockroaches and mosquitoes. I need a spray that'll be safe for my bees yet help with our infestation.
  2 answers
  • Carol Carol on May 03, 2017

    I can't answer for the roaches, but for mosquitos, we put up purple martin houses and bat houses. They take care of the mosquitos.

  • Claude Claude on May 03, 2017

    Mosquito-empty standing water and use dunks that kill off the larvae. Hang up a bat box...those babies eat more than their own weight in skeetersevery night.

    cockroaches like damp areas..dry stuff out with sunshine...we used those Bait Boxes .

    depending on where you live..lizards are very effective.