How can I prevent rodents from getting into plants?

by Terry
How can I build a cage over garden to prevent rodents from getting to the items.
I need the cage to be able to open on one side completely. I growing cantaloupe so cannot walk in the garden. The other side is the fence so cannot fold back. Thinking to build a wall by the fence to half way of the garden. From there hinge the cage twice so the whole side is open. The garden is 24' long by 4' wide.
  3 answers
  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on May 04, 2017
    Try putting screen or chicken wire in the pot under the soil and about 1/2 way down in the pot.
  • Susie Lee Susie Lee on May 04, 2017

    We found putting ammonia on a rag and setting it under a bush or nearby the plant keeps them away. They hate the smell.

    Happy gardening!


  • C.B. C.B. on May 06, 2017

    Your local gardening store should have or be able to order powdered 'Coyote Urine' that you sprinkle around the edges of your gardening area to prevent entry by unwanted critters. Follow the easy directions on the label.

    If you want an enclosed area...fine netting is also sold at your gardening center & can be staked & an overhead area created to keep small critters from entering at the top...'Bird Mesh' is used to deter birds from getting into berry can be used to create at 'tent like' structure to protect your garden.