How can one retard the growth of moss on a shaded sandstone walkway?

by Kathy
We live in a wooded area and get a lot of moss growing on anything it can! I want to try to minimize it's growth.
  2 answers
  • Shoshana Shoshana on May 11, 2017

    There's a great product called Wet and Forget that is good at treating moss!

  • Wally seeley Wally seeley on May 11, 2017

    Sulphur will kill it also try 2 parts bleach 8 parts water spray the walkway also if nothing much else grows because of shade and wet conditions work with the moss and encourage different types to grow Moss gardens can be very beautiful and there are a lot of plants that like shade and wet conditions. remember when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!