I have large floor tiles left over and need ideas.......

by Dysko7710
They are left from when previous owners did the floors and I am dying to use them for something. I have thought about painting them and putting them outside, but wouldn't want anyone to slip on them even if they aren't meant 'to be walked on'. Do you think that would be an issue? And what other ways can I upcycle them?
  6 answers
  • Paula Paula on May 17, 2017

    First of all...save some for potential replacement of a tile your walking on now. Then depending upon the size of your tiles search Pinterest and you'll find lots of ideas with tutorials.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 17, 2017

    Using them outside will depend on what type of tile they are as not all will survive the outdoor elements

  • Bernice Clore-Wanser Bernice Clore-Wanser on May 17, 2017

    They could be used to cover a raised bed or smashed into pieces and used as a mosaic.

  • V Valencia V Valencia on May 17, 2017

    As someone previously suggested, save a couple in case you need to replace any on the floor. There are various things you can make with tiles depending on their size. One useful thing I have seen is placing handles on the tile to create a tray. Probably not to carry heavy items, but more for decoration.

  • Karan Kay Hultgren-Pool Karan Kay Hultgren-Pool on May 18, 2017

    I used mine to make an outside patio table. Break them and then do like a mosaic.

  • Joanna Joanna on May 18, 2017

    You can use one to make a memo/menu board --just clean the tile and use a dry erase marker--then prop it up on a picture easel. You can also buy a couple of inexpensive handles and adhere them to the sides and use it as a serving tray. They also make great trivets.