I'm looking for a unique idea for a large Flower box

by Oro9791462
I need a unique idea for a large flower box, maybe 5'X5' it doesn't have to be wood, maybe a recyclable idea.
  9 answers
  • Sherri Purves Sherri Purves on May 18, 2017

    There are are a lot of great upcycled DIY planter ideas on Pinterest. 😊

  • Judy Ferrell Judy Ferrell on May 18, 2017

    What about a stock tank

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 18, 2017


  • Oro9791462 Oro9791462 on May 18, 2017

    That's an idea, thank you.

  • Oro9791462 Oro9791462 on May 18, 2017

    couldn't see it, but thank you.

  • Vsh13009613 Vsh13009613 on May 18, 2017

    How about a hard plastic puppy pool.

  • Rebecca Donnelly-Sickels Rebecca Donnelly-Sickels on May 18, 2017

    Here's a video I made making mine. its almost 5x4 and made completely from reclaimed wood that was going to be tossed. hope it helps :) happy gardening!

  • Rebecca Donnelly-Sickels Rebecca Donnelly-Sickels on May 18, 2017

    here's the link

  • FL FL on May 18, 2017

    Ok, how about an old bicycle pulling an old wagon or cart? I have seen bicycles painted in all one color including the tires, spokes, the whole bike (usually a beige color). A basket in front of the bike can hold soil and plants or potted plants. The Seat can accommodate a pot. The bicycle tires can act as trellises for edible or floral vines.

    Attaching a cart or wagon, maybe painted the same way, the same colors, opens up new ways to display and grow veggies or flowers. Around the ground you can use alyssum, vinca, any ground cover, or spreading pumpkin or zucchini vines. The bike handles can support a small wind chime. You can include a birdhouse or feeder, a bird bath, whatever. You can put up a post in your garden and have signs for destinations pointing in different directions or destinations: "swimming hole," " bait," whatever words you want or say, "Paris," "Lisbon," etc. Or maybe an old rowboat and nautical décor like oars, buoys, etc.

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