How do you update a home full of inherited antiques and heirlooms?

by Marian
  6 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on May 27, 2017

    A new paint job helps, then edit the collection to just the things you love. Either give the other items to family members, or call a dealer in to bid on other items. To modernize a bit, sometimes its how you display your collections.

    Take everything out of a room, repaint in your color, add or remove floor coverings and window treatments. Change ceiling fixtures to your taste. Then select some of the antiques or collections to go in that room to enhance your decor and furniture. Sometimes, less is more.

    If you have a lot of items, you can sometimes donate them to museums, heritage houses, or professional association like quilters, civil war etc.

  • Hkr23748636 Hkr23748636 on May 27, 2017

    i refinish some if needed, reupholster some and use antiques as focal points With more morden simple styled furniture. I have been in this position and it has worked very well with my family's two generations to antiques. Having antiques in my home

    brings back wonderful memories !

  • Dfm Dfm on May 27, 2017

    use the up to today fabrics for pillows, throws, table cloths. i like to keep my paint colors in the neutral range, and show off accessories. i have vintage pieces- a 1920's library table with a 1960's couch, 1940's library card file, a 50's steel rocker chair....a 1970's love seat in black. get your items appraised. your insurance person will know how to get it done. old does not always mean antique....just old. those item that are antique may need a specialized rider on your insurance.

  • Dfm Dfm on May 27, 2017

    yikes! i just realized the table my computer screen sits on is now over 97 yrs old. it's still looking fine.

  • Dfm Dfm on May 28, 2017

    my great grandfather made it as a high school wood working project- back in the early 1920's. d.t. the bills piling up, and not being able as mobile- they had an estate sale to defer the costs of the nursing home they were going to. it's solid walnut from trees on their previous property. it's a style known as a library table. the bible or a dictionary would be placed on top for consultation.

    works great for the computer- and i can keep track of who is doing what with the computer.

  • Amyb Amyb on May 28, 2017

    You can mix in your antiques with your other styles. I laquered and reupholstered 100+ year old chairs with glass opted dining table.

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