Restricted to container gardening. what to make to kneel, old!

by Asa23740221
Since becoming physically challenged, I want a seat that I can use in a garden so I can weed without bending over. I've had abdominal surgery and strength is slowing returning. Something I can make easily.

  6 answers
  • Cas11608898 Cas11608898 on Jun 24, 2017

    Instead of a kneeling pad, why not a tool to help you stand up? The photo is self-explanatory. Here is a list of the parts you'll need (total cost about $5):

    1 15-inch piece of 3/4-inch plastic pipe for the leg;

    2 5-inch pieces for the feet;

    4 4-inch pieces for the toes;

    4 3/4-inch “Ts” for the joints;

    4 1-inch rubber crutch tips;

    Plastic pipe glue;

    Household glue.

    comment photo
  • Kim Kim on Jun 24, 2017

    make a rolling seat. Make a box and add wheels. You can customize the height and pick the wheels best suited for your needs!

    Hope that helps


  • Allison Allison on Jun 24, 2017

    I purchased a kneeler/bench several years ago and it's still going strong. It is lightweight and can be flipped from a kneeler with supports to help you up, to a bench for sitting on to weed and such. Anything you would make may be too heavy for you to tote around. I have seen some priced as low as $20. I bought the Step 2 Garden Kneeler, which is $35 dollars and made of plastic. I think the metal ones would get too hot for me to handle in this SC sun.

  • Patricia Patricia on Jun 24, 2017

    they have a small rolling stool that will help you so much, i use it for trimming my roses-- you get them in the auto dept. and they are very sturdy and not to costly

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 24, 2017

    I Don't know if you have an Aldies nearby, but I found one of those at Aldies real cheap. You may be able to find them if you go to their website. I got it for my hubby so he can weed sitting down, or care for our potted plants as it is the perfect height. He also takes it with when we fish at the river so he doesn't need to sit on the ground and struggle to get up.

  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Jun 24, 2017

    Get a's what mechanics use to get under cars. They have wheels and are low. and usually have pockets for tools.