DIY headboard ideas?

Cindy Knight
by Cindy Knight
The wall my bed looks best on has a window in the center. I need ideas on a headboard I can diy. there is about 16" on each side of the window I have to use in order for the bed to have a complete headboard. Currently, there is a mirror on one side that I can move. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
  10 answers
  • Sylvia Tatro Sylvia Tatro on Jun 29, 2017

    How about a long narrow table. A little taller than the bed.

    Sometimes you can find an old headboard at a thrift shop

    the kind with cabinets and a mirror in the center. Cut the

    mirror out and the space would frame the window, or maybe

    this will give you another idea HAPPY CREATING

  • Cheryl Markus Reynolds Cheryl Markus Reynolds on Jun 29, 2017

    Get a sheet of lattice board, Frame it with 1 by 4s. Sand it paint it and attach it.

  • Christine Friesen Christine Friesen on Jun 29, 2017

    I saw something on Pinterest that I myself want to do. It's a giant piece of peg board with a layer of foam or cotton on top of the peg board which is then covered in which ever fabric you have chose, in this video it was staple it on the back to keep it in place then it was optional if you wanted to add buttons threw out the random peg board holes to add a nice look to it. You simply hang it on the wall above your bed.

  • Beth Shorts Beth Shorts on Jun 29, 2017

    put shelves on either side of the window, and cover the window itself with decorative window film (stained glass looking). Finish it off with a shelf over top of the window that goes the full length over the shelves on either side of the bed.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jun 29, 2017

    If you like the sunlight, open your blinds slightly, but opposite from the way you normally do. Just keep gently pulling the cords until each slat is open from the topside, letting in sunlight but maintaining privacy. Since your bed will be against this wall, you need to have the blinds in a semi-permanent position.

    Now prepare a curtain rod, piece of wood trim, or a length of narrow pvc pipe, that is almost as wide as this same wall. 4-6 sheer panels equally distributed on your improvised curtain rod should cover that entire wall. Use curtain rod supports to hang the rod at ceiling height, at each end and the center. Now you have neutralized everything on the headboard wall.

    Choose one of the headboard ideas you are given here, or Search on and Pinterest for more ideas. Depending on what you choose, you can create a romantic, country, traditional, modern, rustic, or other mood. Best wishes on a beautiful bedroom. 😇

  • Melissa Smith Melissa Smith on Jun 29, 2017

    An upholstered headboard is very inexpensive to make. Like Christine said, use a pegboard. I made one for my mom and just used plywood cut to the shape I wanted and covered with foam and fabric. Curtains going across the back would be pretty too.

    comment photo
  • AGirland2Drills AGirland2Drills on Jun 29, 2017

    Do 2 large bookshelves on either side of the window. Like built-ins, but not attached. You can get cheap build it yourself ones from Walmart or IKEA that are pretty narrow. You could also use an old French door and lay it horizontal behind the bed. You can frost the panels and paint the door. Or a divider screen behind it.

  • Michelle Michelle on Jun 29, 2017

    I follow feng shui rules of placement for the bed, meaning it is against the wall easily accessible on both sides but not in line of the door way or under a window, either positions results in negative energy which causes sleep issues and never put stuff under the bed that blocks the flow of energy, no electronics, exercise equipment or TV should be in the room. Quiet, calm, peaceful, with windows to open for fresh air will have you sleeping sound

  • Cindy Knight Cindy Knight on Jun 29, 2017

    Thank you for all of the wonderful ideas!! Now I just have to decide which one to do!! 😂🤣😂😁

  • Adam Eng Adam Eng on Jun 30, 2017

    pinterest has great ideas