Need Advice on White Paint for Bathroom

We're redoing this bathroom and I've taken down old wallpaper from the top half of the walls. The bottom half has beadboard and we've added a trim in between the mudded wall and the beadboard. I'm wanting to paint the bottom half white or cream. I really like the look of white beadboard, but I want something just off white. Enough that you'd say it's white...but not too white haha! It's an old farmhouse and stark white just don't suit the style (IMO). Does anyone have any advice on brands/shades of cream or white that would look good with the wood floor color? Also...I'm interested in ideas for color for the top half too!! Thanks in advance!!!! If you have photos of your own walls that you can share, I'd love to see them!
  23 answers
  • Judy Adams Judy Adams on Jan 31, 2014
    Looking at the room and style You are right i dont think a pure white will do. Make it warm white or off white like antique white . or even a lite tan or beige. A pure white will show all imperfections and make the floor look old . . Try Valspar paint, i have alway had good coverage and easy to use .Dont use Behr paint the coverage is off and you'll have to do two or more coats to make it cover.
  • Lisa Cuddy Lisa Cuddy on Jan 31, 2014
    Swiss coffee is a nice softer shade of white and I think most brands have it. I'm so jealous of your bathtub! Maybe a nice softish pink for the top, to coordinate with the tub. The pink should be noticeably different from the white beadboard. The floors are beautiful. Good luck.
    • Jenni @ Sweet Pennies Jenni @ Sweet Pennies on Jan 31, 2014
      Thank you @Lisa Cuddy. My mom handpainted the tub and I can't bring myself to paint over it because she passed away a few years ago. She also made the stained glass window. She was so creative. We just added the flooring a year ago, we love it. I'll have to check out the Swiss Coffee shade you're talking about. Thank you for the comment and advice!
  • Elaine Simmons Elaine Simmons on Jan 31, 2014
    I realize that this bathroom is a bit outdated for now but I did this about 9 years ago but might give you ideas for color. I did accessories in it in copper and never got tired of it. Across from the vanity is the clawfoot tub like yours that is painted in a coppery brown.
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  • Janice Phillips (JP) Janice Phillips (JP) on Feb 01, 2014
    My 'go to' white paint is Benjamin Moore 'Dove White'. It's a soft white, not glaringly crisp but very clean and fresh. Good luck.
  • Patty Morgan Patty Morgan on Feb 01, 2014
    When you look at the room my eyes go right to the bottom of the tub. The wood behind is in the green family which makes it pop even more. I saw the stain glass window and I can see which will limit you in your color choices. The white sink and toilet against all the wood also is a challenge to blend. The room will tell you what to do. I would first paint the wood work around the tub in a high gloss warm white. This will help balance the other whites. The bottom of the tube I would also paint. On the wall behind the tube I would put a large mirror. On the wall by the window in the empty space I would look for a cabinet where you can put towels. When you look for a rug an oriental rug with the colors of the stain glass window in it.
    • Jenni @ Sweet Pennies Jenni @ Sweet Pennies on Feb 01, 2014
      @Patty Morgan Thank you for the advice...I really appreciate it. I love the idea of putting a large mirror on the wall where the tub is!
  • KathrynElizabeth Etier KathrynElizabeth Etier on Feb 01, 2014
    Your best bet is to pick up some sample cards in the paint department to compare to your floor. For the top half, use a darker color from the same card as the cream/parchment/white that you use on the beadboard.
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    • Paula Perry Paula Perry on Feb 02, 2014
      I often get the color card from dark to the lightest tint. Your beadboard would be the dark, match it and go to the lightest or even next lightest shade on that card.
  • Melissa Willison Melissa Willison on Feb 02, 2014
    i love this old fashion tub
  • DebLynn DebLynn on Feb 02, 2014
    Funny, I have the same idea only in my DINING ROOM! Solid wood oak floor the under chair rail is white, above a soft GOLD Sherwin Williams. LOVE IT!!! I don't have beadboard , but I'm sure it would look GREAT! Trying to send you a pick…GO FOR IT….
  • Gwen Fiebelkorn Gwen Fiebelkorn on Feb 02, 2014
    I love one that is just called Antique.It is sold at lowes I believe it is a warm off white.I do not like the look of white it is to cold.
  • Mona Potter Mona Potter on Feb 02, 2014
    I also have bead board in my bathroom half way up and used an ultra white with sand for a little texture. Since my vanity top,stool,shower were all white I didn't want it do appear aged or dirty. Will you be hanging anything on the wall? Maybe a quote your mother would say or towel rod?
    • Jenni @ Sweet Pennies Jenni @ Sweet Pennies on Feb 02, 2014
      @Mona Potter Aww, I love the idea of a quote my mother would say! That's sweet. I do have things I'll put in there. One is an old medicine cabinet that is painted about the same color of the greenish/blue that is on the bottom of the tub.
  • Cyndi Moore Tippett Cyndi Moore Tippett on Feb 02, 2014
    I always go to Lowes and look at all the white paint sample cards and pick one out that is not a "blue" based white because it is cold. I look for one that is "yellow" based because it is a warmer white and usually goes with every color. My white paint reminds me of milk.
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    • Melissa Willison Melissa Willison on Feb 06, 2014
      @Jenni @ Sweet Pennies i agree with Cyndi, u can get samples at lowes, i just did my bathroom, i did mine in white, its made for bathrooms and kitchen paints.
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Feb 02, 2014
    Valspar has a white that I really like..its called White Washed Oak. Its white but with a creamy look..not a stark white.
  • Kiff Harvey Kiff Harvey on Feb 02, 2014
    I would leave the green I love the contrast with the tub. If you do the bead board white the top of the tub will not show up and there would be too big a contrast with the darker fixtures in the room ie the vanity. you could pick a grey colour too or a blue gray. Save your lighter shade for above the bead board
  • Mary Whitacre Mary Whitacre on Feb 02, 2014
    I would go light all the way and I would see about having your tub refurbished. In the photo I see, is the toilet purple? I think that would have to be replaced, we just recently changed our toilets very reasonably, or you can find the older one that may be more period specific.
  • Mary Davin Mary Davin on Feb 02, 2014
    I also thought the toilet was blue, colors are affected by lighting playing off everything in the room. That's why you have to bring paint samples into a room at various times of the day to see how they will show. SherwinWms has the nicest selection of Whites and Lights. Painting my bathroom in two-tones of warm whites: Wainscotting & Trim="Roman Column" and Walls="Moderate White". Vinyl floor has shades of clay,stone and terracotta, commode and vanity are cream, tub & surround are white. There's also dark chestnut wood trim and full bench wall-wall in the room which cannot be removed - per landlord. Accent color is "sea foam" blue/green tub mats, shower curtain has color block shades of light to medium taupe with 2 "sea foam" vertical stripes. Work is in progress.Still have to find matching window treatments for TWO full-sized windows that need privacy panels - hate miniblinds but may have to resort to using them again.
  • Sharolyn T Sharolyn T on Feb 02, 2014
    I also live in an old farmhouse and want to keep that look. I love the look and feel of a buttermilk white...a white leaning to the "yellow based" color side, soft not harsh.
  • Willow Gates Landscaping Willow Gates Landscaping on Feb 03, 2014
    We used Muralo "Screen Star" for all of our trim work & doors in our house. It looks white when paired with rich, dark colors, but it's definitely not white. :)
  • Patty Patty on Feb 04, 2014
    You can buy paint samples at Lowes for 2.99. They have an antique white that is beautiful. I love your bathroom and it will be gorgeous painted a pretty creamy white. I hope you will post pictures after you paint.
  • Benjamin Moore - cloud white - it's between a white and cream. And it's not too blue or too yellow - great neutral
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Dec 31, 2014
    My two favorites: Annie Sloan Old White and Benjamin Moore Snowfall White. Both are a creamy almost white.
  • Kayo Frazier Kayo Frazier on Jan 06, 2015
    Ok, Here is what I would do...Paint the bead board a cornflower blue along w/ the chair rail trim, then the walls a ivory white. Change the cranberry color on the claw foot tub to a darker blue to match the cornflower blue. You can add stencils or leave it plain. I would add a area rug maybe 5x7 you could do a fake oriental rug just to make it interesting. On the walls on both sides you can do 2 or 3 floating shelves to store towels, toilet paper, and for other bathroom items like make-up, hygiene, etc you can get baskets to separate by category the stuff. This will also keep things neat & uncluttered.
  • Drd4223999 Drd4223999 on May 20, 2016
    Dover white by Sherwin Williams is a classic which is a beautiful creamy white. And your floor is gorgeous! Depending on what accent colors you choose, I agree about color on the tub and beadboard. Would be very pretty and tie things together.
  • Jma6450207 Jma6450207 on Oct 26, 2016
    What kind of flooring do you have in a bathroom, what about water or leaks