Shade from sun!

by Pbc6854521
I have a large apt. balcony that faces south. Sun all day! Condo Corp. does NOT allow to install anything on bldg. i.e. awnings. It's so hot & sunny, one can't even sit outside in fear of getting scorched. Other than an umbrella which only covers a small portion, what can I do?? HELP!
  9 answers
  • Patricia Patricia on Jul 14, 2017

    you could make a free standing arbor. You could get the square shaped arches and drape fabric from one side to the other. To hold the fabric taught you could put grommets on the fabric and hooks on the top of the arches. Simple and you can change the fabric when you get bored. You could also attach boards across the top if you wanted to make it sturdier

  • Kim Kim on Jul 14, 2017

    Wow! Your deck is beautiful! It's a shame to not be able to use it! I can't tell your exact dimensions there but it appears to me that your floor space is about 6' wide. How about 6 x 6 canopies with the drop down shade screen on the south side? If you have 12' of length, you can put 2 up for more shade.

    Hope that hells

    : )

    • Sandra Allen Sandra Allen on Jul 14, 2017

      Good idea. You can get pop up canopies from 79.00 and yes, with a drop down side you should be fine. Here is one that is about 200.00 and you can get them at Lowels or Home Depot. Hope that helps.

      comment photo
  • Elaine Elaine on Jul 14, 2017

    That is a tough question! I also live in a condo (corner unit) but face two ways - north and north-east. When the hot afternoon sun comes around, I can still sit outside quite comfortably but sympathize with my neighbors (in the adjacent condo building with balconies facing west) who all retreat inside. đŸ˜° They have umbrellas too but as you know, they provide very little shade!

    You say your balcony is large ... if it were mine, the only thing I can think of is buying two or three tall palm trees and placing them alongside the railing - closest to where you sit. You can simply bring them inside for the Winter. Palms also add a lovely "tropical" look to any spot whether it be inside or outside. Can you also purchase more than one umbrella?

  • SusieQ SusieQ on Jul 14, 2017

    Use large market umbrellas.

  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on Jul 14, 2017

    Here's a thought. Get 3 or 4 cedar arbor ladders at Home Depot or Lowes. Anchor them in buckets of sand. Attach a shade cloth to them (the grommet idea is great). You can even string twinkle lights for festive evening dinners!

  • Leslie Leslie on Jul 14, 2017

    Great idea, A Pergola with duck cloth . Add plants so the Condo Association thinks it's all Natural.

  • Jennifer Jennifer on Jul 15, 2017

    Tall plants (trees), trellis or sail shades ( they tie up with rope). You have a great balcony, hope you get to use it soon!

  • Debra MacKay Debra MacKay on Jul 15, 2017

    Thats what my neighbors did, it works and looks great!