What causes paint to peel or crack after being painted on a ceiling?

by Sue
  9 answers
  • Sarah Barganier Sarah Barganier on Jul 17, 2017

    There are a number of things, first, too many layers already on the ceiling, moisture in the room or in the ceiling materials, or it may need to be primed.

  • Kelly Denoyer Russell Kelly Denoyer Russell on Jul 17, 2017

    i had same problem in my bath and was told the original paint job was never primed. They said it would continue to be a problem. Our fix for years was just to add a textured ceiling. This is not popular but it was better than replacing the ceiling drywall. Now I covered the ceilings in both baths with whitewash cedar planking and love it.

  • Jody Jody on Jul 17, 2017

    That is moisture. You probably have a roof leak.

  • DZW DZW on Jul 17, 2017


  • B. Enne B. Enne on Jul 17, 2017

    moisture or latex topcoat on top of oil topcoat

    If you previously had a textured ceiling and it was scraped, it should have been primed before painting.

  • Ali Ali on Jul 17, 2017

    If it is not a roof leak/moisture issue then judging by the photographs, it looks like your ceiling was sprayed and not back rolled, which has left a very thick spray Mark. You should be able to see some type of light roller Mark if it was in fact backrolled, and maybe your painter just missed rolling that one spot. It is a real easy fix, just scrap off the thick pieces then mud the edges to blend, lightly sand, then paint two coats. You do not need to prime anything as long as you use a flat white paint. In my experience the cheapest latest white paint is the best for ceilings. Good luck!

  • Ali Ali on Jul 17, 2017

    I meant... cheapest, most flat, white paint you can buy!

    • See 1 previous
    • B. Enne B. Enne on Jul 18, 2017

      Scrape it off, you may need to sand some spots smoothly.

  • Betty Finch Betty Finch on Jul 18, 2017

    It looks to me that someone painted latex over oil paint

  • Ali Ali on Jul 18, 2017

    Yeah, scrape it off the best you can. Some mudding and sanding will prob be necessary to make it smooth. Just take your time and play around with it. Watch some diy videos on sheetrock mudding. Also if that is popcorn ceiling, they sell cans of spray popcorn and again just play around with it. If you mess up too bad just scrape off and start over. Be patient and learn from mistakes. You got this girl!