What to do with 1" glass jam jars?

I have a bunch of small jars and would love to use them for projects with the grandchildren.

  7 answers
  • A A on Jul 25, 2017

    Look up recipes for making your own balms, lip glosses, and lotions. These jars would be perfect. They can give them as gifts.

  • Jroeber Jroeber on Jul 25, 2017

    i decapodgeded the jar and lid an glued a glass or crystal candle stand on the bottom of the jar. An fill it with anything

  • Maynard Maynard on Jul 25, 2017

    Make homemade jam! What a wonderful thing to pass on to grandchildren, the idea that homemade is better, cheaper and lots of fun! Depending on how many jars you have, this could be strawberry one time, peach the next, and so on. Depending on how many children are involved, divide up the project into helping tasks.

  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on Jul 25, 2017

    For projects for kiddos fill with colored sand designs, make mini snowglobes, paint with letters for a holiday saying and glue onto a block of wood, paint with a clear coating (on the inside) and make a mobile with string and sticks. Sky's the limit.

  • Rebecca Peterson Rebecca Peterson on Jul 25, 2017

    Make a Christmas Tree

  • FL FL on Jul 25, 2017

    Make mini snow globes! Here are instructions: http://www.pbs.org/parents/crafts-for-kids/homemade-snow-globes/  ; Here are a few samples:

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  • Pic22811286 Pic22811286 on Jul 25, 2017

    My kids and grandkids love to play with the little jam jars I use to save all sorts of buttons, etc.