What can I make with these?

by Theresa
I end up with a lot of these and I hate to throw them away. I have used them for Q-tips and Goody powders. I'd like to decorate them and reuse them. Sugestions?
  11 answers
  • Michele Pappagallo Michele Pappagallo on Aug 28, 2017

    You could sand the outsides and use paint to decorate them...or glue on beads or tiles for a mosaic look. Use them to store mini travel essentials, a small sewing kit for your handbag, mini emergency kit with band-aids, alcohol wipes, salve, etc. Lots of fun ideas. You could even plant tiny plants in them and give them away as gifts to neighbors, co-workers, etc.

  • Frankie Roberts Frankie Roberts on Aug 28, 2017

    They would be good desk top organizers.

  • Kim Kim on Aug 28, 2017

    You can decorate them and make little travel kits, first aid kits, and sewing kits to give as small gifts.

    : )

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Aug 28, 2017

    You could decoupage them with anything that you like. Glue the picture on with mod podge then cover it with 1 or 2 coats on the top to seal and protect it. Also Washi tape is really 'in' right now, so you could paint them and decorate them with Washi tape. Do you like to paint things like birds, flowers or anything else? Again, paint a background color (I'd recommend spray paint) then paint whatever you like. Be sure to seal them so they last well. You could also decorate them with lace, buttons, ribbon or even good old rick-rack. Or head to the scrapbook department in your favorite craft store & see what you can find. There are a lot of cute things there that you can stick or glue on your project. Yarn is another option. Wrap it around the tin, hot glue a bit as you go and when you change colors. You could have a lot of fun with that. Most of all have fun.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Aug 28, 2017

    I used to use them to give the grandkids mini m&m's and other small candies as treats when they were good, ate all their supper, etc.. You could use them to store dried herbs if they seal well enough. I have stored sewing supplies like safety pins, pins, snaps, buttons, etc. in them and labeled them with the contents.

  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Aug 28, 2017

    Theresa, Here are enough ideas to keep you busy for a year LOL. Have fun. Thank you for asking Hometalk for ideas. I never would have thought of any of these.







  • Theresa Theresa on Aug 29, 2017

    Thanks guys that gave me a lot of options

  • Dean Murdaugh Dean Murdaugh on Aug 31, 2017

    I save and repurpose candy tins of all sizes and shapes. I jokingly refer to them as "magic boxes" because they can be used for a multitude of purposes: pill box, gift box, gift card box, trinket box, keepsake box, etc, etc. Also they can be designed to fit a particular theme or personality. For my pieces I specifically use found objects along with repurposed and recycled materials: broken costume jewelry, buttons, pebbles, twigs, chain, seashells, leftover bits and pieces of other projects, any little bit of pretty laying on the ground that may catch my eye as I walk through my day. I also do this with small bottles. They make lovely containers for esential oils, etc.

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    • Pat Ruge Pat Ruge on Aug 31, 2017

      Wow, these are beautiful. Have you posted a tutorial here on Hometalk? Would love to see that!

  • Dean Murdaugh Dean Murdaugh on Aug 31, 2017

    No, I haven't. I am kind of new to all of this. Wouldn't really know where to start.

  • Dora Chavis Dora Chavis on Sep 01, 2017

    Pain't them an fix the outside with Christmas decorations. At Christmas put gift cards in them.

  • Denise Denise on Sep 03, 2017

    On a practical note, if you need a phone charger, there is a way to make it using a little wire, a 9v battery, and a tin box like you have. It's portable, and you don't need to constantly look for an outlet. Very easy to make. Will fit in a small purse, too. Search on this site. If not here, search Pinterest, or Google it. Can't remember where I saw this. You could decorate the outside of it any way you like.