How to clean and display seashells?

by Coo7249270
  4 answers
  • Gud29612658 Gud29612658 on Oct 01, 2017

    let some stay in their natural order or soak them in Oxy. Display on fabric or make a background board -- from dollar store, attach with glue or drill carefully a small hole in place and use yarn to put them in place.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Oct 01, 2017

    When I lived in Florida, I collected a few shells and displayed them in baskets. I soaked them in hot water and change the water a number of times to make sure I had all the salt and sand and bodies out of the shells. I put them on pans outside in the sun to dry them quicker. You can glue them to a picture frame with no glass. My mom always used velvet or burlap to cover the cardboard or thin wood she would use in the frame. They looked real nice that way.

  • Sherry Cohen Sherry Cohen on Oct 02, 2017

    I rinsed them thoroughly and then soaked them in water with bleach for about an hour. I let them dry on the deck in the sun. Then I put the large ones on a small tray next to a small arrangement of silk flowers and the large ones in a small round clear vase.

  • Emily Emily on Oct 02, 2017

    There are so many uses you can put shells too. Our museum here in Portland has a dress made out of mussel shells. This is a mirror I covered with mussel shells. I have many jars and baskets full of shells. You must clean them and dry in the sun. I have seen entire pieces of furniture covered with shells. And grottos in Europe made entirely of shells.

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