I have to replace flooring in room where cats have used as litter box

  4 answers
  • You have to take out the flooring and replace. First you need to figure out why your cats did this. Their boxes must be kept clean otherwise they will look for another place to go. Or they could have an infection, I would schedule a vet visit and discuss. How many cats, how many boxes? I have 6 cats, 3 boxes but my cats are indoor / outdoor and like using the grass like the dogs, easy for me at least!

    What type of flooring is in the room now? What do you want to put down next?

  • Mil15462713 Mil15462713 on Oct 03, 2017

    It may have to be replaced you know. But we use A Woolite product called "Woolite pet urine eliminator PLUS enzyme action." It's EZ to use and so far has worked well, but in the long-run, we just have to wait. Oh, BTW, we buy it on Amazon as our store doesn't carry the full line of Woolite pet products.

  • Jeannie Jeannie on Oct 04, 2017

    I would use Zep Oderstroyer. It has an enzyme that eats away at anything biological, cat urine would count... before you replace the floor.

  • Ginny Ginny on Oct 04, 2017

    I ran into that problem today while trying to have a vinyl floor laid. Now floor has to be treated twice with Kilz before new underlayment can be installed then vinyl installed. Reason: mold, mildew, odor, health risk for breathing.