I am trying to change my kit/dining room to a barn look. any ideas?

by Dia29691450
I have knocked down a wall between my kitchen and dining room. Made a pantry with barn doors and put up a stone wall. I have no ideas what to do next. I have limited funds.

  5 answers
  • Suzette Suzette on Oct 06, 2017

    Hi Diamond, Sounds like your pretty handy! A farm table for the dining room would be great. You could use re claimed wood or pallet wood which you can find for free most of the time. I find lots of free stuff on craigslist, or even on the side of the road! An old wood ladder used over an island is always cool to hang pots and pans.

    Here's a link with lots of ideas you could use to make your own things! https://www.pinterest.com/explore/rustic-kitchen-island/?lp=true

    Have fun!!

  • Gra27295911 Gra27295911 on Oct 06, 2017

    I dont know what type of table you have, but if it’s wood you could distress it. There are a lot of DIY tutorials for some easy ways to do this without having to strip the old finish completely off. Also, decorating with mason jars is inexpensive. Tutorials to attach to wood and decorate w flowers etc.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Oct 06, 2017

    If you have a blank wall, you can use a yardstick and a dull pencil to draw "planks" on the wall, horizontally or vertically. Then with four water-diluted colors, you can paint the planks, alternating colors and lengths. Let all the paint dry. To make the colors duller, do a more-diluted beige or gray wash across the planks. Using a less-diluted beige or gray, go back over the original pencil lines about 1/2" wide, bleeding over the edges of the planks. If you like a sharper look, paint the lines only 1/4" wide. So four quarts of paint and paintbrushes should be your only big expenses, and you may have plenty of leftovers to use now. Best wishes! 😇

  • Nancy Nancy on Oct 06, 2017

    Lol...just did something similar. Removed a half wall between kitchen and living room to make the old living into a dining room. We put down p,ant tile that looks very much like rustic wood. I chalk painted all the chairs and the two China cabinets...sanded some off and butcher waxed them. They are stunning. We found a very old extension table at a salvage place. I cleaned up the oak top which is 7 leafs and put a clear stain to bring out the grain. A little butcher wax was the final coat. I chalk painted the legs to bring it all together...looks great. The most expensive part was the tile which was about $500.00. We did the work...ugh.

    here are a couple of pics. Hope it motivates you!

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  • Nancy Nancy on Oct 08, 2017

    thank you...it was a slow project, but well worth it.