Any bathroom lighting ideas?

by Debitqueen
I am redecorating my bathroom beach theme and have this ugly light,any ideas?

  11 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Nov 09, 2017

    there are clip on shades. The wires clip to the bulb. You might do a bit of decorating to the shade...

  • Amanda Amanda on Nov 09, 2017

    Hello. Is this the only light, and do you have a exhaust fan? I installed a fan that has lights that hang down.

    comment photo
  • Elli Grieco Elli Grieco on Nov 09, 2017

    Amanda, what a pretty light. Where did you purchase it?

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Nov 09, 2017

    Several years ago, my then teenaged daughter wanted a beach-themed bedroom. We could not find a light that fit in so we did something similar to this photo (not my photo), we bought an old small chandelier at Habitat for Humanity ReStore, painted it a fun color and added seashells that we found and bought. Wish I had a photo of it - but this is similar and give you the right idea. However, there are lots on the market now that you can buy for less than $150. Have fun with your beach room and make it special for you!

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  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Nov 09, 2017

    Do you have access to the space above the ceiling? If so, you can pull wires to relocate the light or add additional. A ceiling fan/light combo is very important to keep humidity in check.the space above the ceiling? If so, you can pull wires to relocate the light or add additional. A ceiling fan/light combo is very important to keep humidity in check.

    Anyway, you can easily replace the ugly bare bulb with any fixture you prefer. Resale stores often have the best prices. I would look for lighting that's bright enough for tasks rather than focus on "beach theme".

    • See 1 previous
    • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Nov 10, 2017

      An electrician can fish a wire for you to move the light. If you don't want to spend the money on one, you can run the wire across the ceiling and cover it with a wire cover painted to match the ceiling. This WON'T look good and would not pass inspection though!

      Personally, this would be one place that I would spend the money to run wires for proper lighting and an exhaust fan. Trust me, I'm poor so that should tell you a lot lol!

  • FL FL on Nov 09, 2017

    Here are tons of examples of "coastal" or beachy themed lighting options on Pinterest you may want to consider.

  • Tommi L. Perkins Tommi L. Perkins on Nov 09, 2017

    Picture please

  • Debitqueen Debitqueen on Nov 09, 2017

    thanks everyone for your response,going to check out the re-use it store and see what I can find. I need a brighter light with some style lol. This light had a round frosted globe that had to be 30 years old.For now I just took the globe off for extra lighting.

    • Janice Morgan Janice Morgan on Nov 10, 2017

      FYI With the new LED light bulbs, you can get the look of a higher wattage without the heat. So a fixture rated for 60 watts incandescent, can take a 100-watt comparable LED. That can give you an easy way to get more light.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Nov 10, 2017

    Agree with Janice to replace this single light bulb with a new LED light fixture. There is lots of choices now in flush mounts, and in hang down styles, and are inexpensive compared to what they were even a year ago.

    Don't muck around with this single lightbulb. The cost and time in trying to drum up something to fit the mount will not be worth the dim light that you are still going to end up with.

  • Ami Myst Ami Myst on Mar 27, 2018

    So fun! I love coastal beachy themed spaces, but since I don’t live near water I feel like I can’t do anything like that in my home. I think anything with rope or natural fibers would be a good option that is reminiscent of the beach, but isn’t too themey.

    Here are a few fixtures that I would do if I were decorating a coastal style bathroom:

    You can also check at

    NOTE: I lived Miami for 4 years and during my stay I visited these two showrooms and got a few lighting for my home...