Somethings with ties- what can I make?

Renee Ivanowski
by Renee Ivanowski
What to make with ties

  9 answers
  • Kim Kim on Nov 23, 2017

    This is a Pinterest question! There is a world of ideas out there, and some are really beautiful. Search "Men's ties projects" or "Necktie projects" Be prepared to see some real ingenuity at work. Have fun!

  • Landsharkinnc Landsharkinnc on Nov 23, 2017

    if they are good silk, take apart, lay flat, ( lots of dry cleaners will clean and press them for you when you have them apart - so they are still lined, but not 'folded' over into the 'tube' shape); measure them, and determine what length you would prefer -- you will lay them out in a pleasing color/pattern etc. and stitch the long sides together; you will end up with a 'piece' of material, made from the ties and you can then make a vest, a shirt, a skirt, etc. or shows pillows

  • Nancy Clark Jowers Nancy Clark Jowers on Nov 23, 2017

    With ties, wire coat hangers for flex and rice we made snakes that were so cute. You put the wire inside the tie using small end of tie as the tail

    Sew that end shut. Form your wire to your desire. Pour in the rice or beans to give it weight. Fold the large end over to look sort of like a cobra hood. Stitch shut. Add a red pipe cleaner forked tongue and wiggly eyes. Makes a great door stop standing up. You can make it without the wire as a draft step for the bottom of the door. Sorry, no pictures. This was years ago. I've also seen a pillows, skirts, bookcovers, scarves and shawls just by laying them wide to narrow alternating, stitching together and then cut out your pattern. Good luck.

  • Cleone Strybis Cleone Strybis on Nov 23, 2017

    I have seen men’s vests made from silk ties. They looked stunning.

  • Dreamin of Home Dreamin of Home on Nov 23, 2017

    Are you into quilts? Ties make great quilts. Check out Pinterest.

  • Cindy Cindy on Nov 23, 2017

    I made some pillows.

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  • Nancy Nancy on Nov 27, 2017

    i have seen people using them in windows it really looks nice i loved the idea it makes for a great conversation peice 🤗

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Nov 27, 2017

    Men's ties? Lattice them on a straight chair bottom.