Large Window Pane Wall Art...need INEXPENSIVE ideas


Oh please help! I'm new on this site but am loving it! My family and friends think I'm completely addicted and they're right! I'm saving a ton of money icon I found the window pane wall art idea on here of course and fell in love with it as I live in the really fits. We've been here 4.5 years and have never decorated this very large wallicon When I saw the idea I knew that was it. Bought 2 each 40"x44", 12 panes each. The total length is 84". I do not want to put art/pictures in each pane, rather, I want one mural, landscape piece of "art." In my photo you can see the shower curtain I bought which was not the size as advertised. This is the exact idea I want however. I am open to still using it if any of you have ideas of what I can add to fill 7" on each end. The shower curtain is 70". I did think of cutting it in half (to lose that 4.5" where they meet at the center), but with that size at 35", it would still need additional material at the ends. I am open to any ideas hoping they are extremely inexpensive and fit my thoughts of one scene.

Thanks so much in advance!

PS~Yes I plan on cleaning these and staining the white at bottom. I was so jazzed I had to see them on the wall!
  20 answers
  • Debbora U Debbora U on Dec 04, 2017

    I saw a great idea which used black and white historical photos in each pane:)

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Dec 04, 2017

    you can add photos! I have one like this in my bathroom and I have black and white 8x10 photos on it and it looks great -use old post cards, or book pages too

  • I had a similar issue where I could not find the correct width picture that I wanted. I ended up using a different patterned fabric and made a sort of "matte" for the picture. You could glue or sew pieces on each side to fill out the space. What about just a neutral blue from the color of the water in your shower curtain?

    • Kari In The Country Kari In The Country on Dec 04, 2017

      Definitely thought of this but as I'm using a nature landscape theme, I would like for it to fill the entire space. TY for the idea!

  • MARY ABLES MARY ABLES on Dec 04, 2017


  • Amanda Amanda on Dec 04, 2017

    Hi Kariln. You could purchase some texture scrap book paper to fill in on both sides. They offer so many pretty organic looking ones.

  • Dena Roberts Dena Roberts on Dec 04, 2017

    I would cut it into 3 equal pieces. Space them out so you have an equal gap between each panel. Fill the gaps with strips of frosted or plain mirrors or mirror tiles.

    • Kari In The Country Kari In The Country on Dec 04, 2017

      I'm so cheap haha....great idea...need to figure out how to make a mock so I'm sure I like the look prior to cutting up! TY!

  • Ronda Ronda on Dec 04, 2017

    Could you make it into a shadow box and change it out with the season?

    • Kari In The Country Kari In The Country on Dec 04, 2017

      That is the plan indeed but I still need ideas for one piece....if anyone knows of a site that sells larger shower curtains (I've searched to no avail...) or I've seen the Staples Engineer prints which I love but they would not be large enough...even if I got 2 side-by-side, the height is too much for the largest they offer. So I'm really looking for ideas that would includes sites maybe that offer cheap ideas to fill this darn thing!

  • Sharon Sharon on Dec 04, 2017

    This site has some incredible natural wall tapestries that would be more than big enough behind your window.... and cheap... they are polyester fabric you can staple on the back of frame.

    • See 1 previous
    • Kari In The Country Kari In The Country on Dec 05, 2017

      Hi Sharon. So I bought these three on your site suggestion-great find! All for under $50! I really want the scenery look but I love (while cracking up) the books on the shelves tapestry!!! I thought a couple of vintage handles in the center would give the appearance of doors leading into a library. Or even with no handles. In order to get my width (84”) I’ll need to cut off a substantial amount from the height so the scene had to be just right for taking off some here, some there...without ruining the entire look. With a good imagination you can picture it cut to size and I think these will be perfect! Can’t wait to get them! Ordered express of course as the site had that on sale for $3.20! Ty again for the website tip, I think this is going to be perfect.

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    • Kari In The Country Kari In The Country on Dec 05, 2017

      Exactly! I was hitting a brick wall however when trying to get exactly what I want/need; the size, the scene and for cheap! Sharon has replied with the website in reply above and it may be perfect. Don’t want to close question yet just in case someone has same idea, website for where I can purchase but is still cheap and maybe has the exact scene I’d like. Ty!

  • SandyG SandyG on Dec 05, 2017

    Have you considered using the hombre effect with color? Starting out with dark and fading down to lightest color. I think it would quite beautiful.

    • Kari In The Country Kari In The Country on Dec 05, 2017

      If I weren’t wanting an outdoor scene that would be beautiful! I really wanted my original tapestry (Bridge) but will settle for trees. Ty!

  • Barbara Baldwin Barbara Baldwin on Dec 05, 2017 want to put one large scene behind the...oh wait...brain is waking...SACRE BLUE! Window panes, outside I get it..what a clever idea..😊

  • Bosooad Bosooad on Dec 05, 2017

    really exellant 👍🏻🌹👏

  • Joy Joy on Dec 05, 2017

    I love the bridge on the water 😃 I live on the Ohio river with a dock. On that website did you see any that were of the sun setting/rising on water? From my own view, I noticed that as the sun reflects on the water around the dock there is a kind of glare/haze that surrounds the dock. If you can find one where the sun is shining on water or even a fog? Cut it to attach to both sides of your bridge curtain? Good luck 🤗

    • Kari In The Country Kari In The Country on Dec 05, 2017

      Hi Joy! I have looked for other scenes that looked similar and just couldn’t find anything I liked. I really want it to flow as one piece. And I absolutely loved the bridge on the water. We live in the country literally in the mountains so are surrounded by trees and I would like something different from that but still the outdoors. Thank you for your thoughts

  • Colleen Baugus Colleen Baugus on Dec 05, 2017


  • Cindy Cindy on Dec 05, 2017

    I see what you're going for, and I think it's a great idea! However, if your budget is as tight as mine, buying an exact fitting piece

    might not be an option. I had the thought that, if it measures out well, you could fussy cut the shower curtain into rectangles to exactly fit each window pane. You'd have to measure very carefully before cutting! It might make a little bit of optical illusion while at the same time be hinting at a bargello-style quilt.

    • Kari In The Country Kari In The Country on Dec 05, 2017

      Wow. Unbelievable idea!!!! I’m not that talented  yet! That’s a great idea I’d not thought of only because it’s so tedius I’m afraid id mess it up! Ty for the suggestion!

  • Inetia Inetia on Dec 07, 2017

    Maybe you could mark off the frames on the wall, cut the curtain to measure and attach it to the wall. Perhaps try attaching it to a thin piece of cardboard with double stick tape before attaching to the wall.

  • Barbara Baldwin Barbara Baldwin on Dec 07, 2017

    I'm going to miss you, Kariln The Country..I love your exuberance..

    • Kari In The Country Kari In The Country on Dec 07, 2017

      Ty!! As I’m new to this site you’ll see plenty of me!!! I’m realllllllly trying to find my creative gene!

  • Cindy Cindy on Dec 07, 2017

    You could purchase a 2nd shower curtain, exactly the same. Cut the sides for the edges you need. So that it will look like it all blends. You can use fabric glue if the curtain is fabric. Or sew the new sides to the original curtain. Hope this helps you.

    • Kari In The Country Kari In The Country on Dec 07, 2017

      another great idea! I may actually do that. The curtsin was only apx $12 so still a very inexpensive but beautiful piece! Ty!!

  • Bosooad Bosooad on Dec 08, 2017

    🌹see you soon 😇

  • Bosooad Bosooad on Dec 08, 2017

    thank you for your lovely message

    best regard - aziz