What wall colors go with honey oak wood trim in 1870 home

by Virgina
Have all wood trim in home and am tired of cream wall color but don't know what colors look good with the medium dark honey oak trim and cannot find any websites that discuss this.

  13 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Jan 01, 2018

    nature colors...blue, greens, tans browns

  • Ccc Ccc on Jan 01, 2018

    We had the same question, but I have found greens, blues and grey with the green or blue hues look good in our house. My living room has a cedar ceiling with oak wood trim and I have an accent wall that is a medium brown with pearl over it.

  • Kimberly Montgomery Kimberly Montgomery on Jan 01, 2018

    I would go to where you like to buy paint, grab as many of the paper chips in colors you like, and then tape them above the woodwork and decide which you like best. That is how I choose just basic wall colors

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Jan 01, 2018

    Personally I believe it's just your choice.

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Jan 01, 2018

    Every neutral goes with wood.

  • Emily Emily on Jan 01, 2018

    Hi Virginia, if your house has not been extensively remodeled it probably has smaller and more numerous rooms. There fore each room could be treated differently than the next, if you chose. Probably any color would look good with the moldings and baseboards etc. I would determine this 1) by what I liked, 2) by the furnishings inc. curtains, fabrics on furniture, rugs etc. 3) by the light and lighting conditions in each room. We have original wood in our living room and I chose light blue, but for other rooms I chose white. Decorators advise painting a four foot sq. swath of color you are considering on each wall and watching it over different lighting conditions. Although it is work, paint is one of the best bargains in decorating, so can be re-done. Good luck!

    comment photo
  • San30669205 San30669205 on Jan 01, 2018

    i think a sage green or some shade of green. Good luck!

  • Pat Perdew Pat Perdew on Jan 01, 2018

    Gray is the new white, or cream color— my guy used product called blanket then paint called shark. Good with any trin

  • Cm712341011 Cm712341011 on Jan 01, 2018

    I have honey oak woodwork in my 1927 Tudor house. It looks good with many colors. I have a lot of blues and greens and warm medium shades of yellow on the walls that are a reflection of what we see out the windows--sky, trees and shrubs with their leaves in summer and fall and bare branches with covers of snow during winter and spring. This was all kind of accidental. It was just what I liked/had, but it's turned out well. I did look at house-decor books and magazines from the library and figured out which combinations that attracted me. I painted my dining room lavender twice (two different shades) before I realized that was just NOT going to work. You'll probably make mistakes, too, but don't drive yourself nuts over them. We live and learn!

  • Ton27204644 Ton27204644 on Jan 01, 2018

    light blue..

  • FL FL on Jan 01, 2018

    I say shades of blue, light, with gray undertones. But here is a professional decorator's opinion: https://www.remodelaholic.com/paint-colors-that-work-with-wood-trim-and-floors/

  • B. Enne B. Enne on Jan 01, 2018

    If you want a complementary cool colour choose light-medium blues, grays,aquas and greens with gray undertones. They will tone-down the orange-y colour.

    If you want to emphasize it, warm yellows, browns, orange and red tones will do it.