My ceiling shows the seams and paper tape marks.

by Gra25566226
We are not good at spackle. Any ideas how to camoflouge the seams with paint or beams. It's a large room 16 x 20.

  6 answers
  • Dana Mason Dana Mason on Jan 14, 2018

    You can actually buy faux beams at most home improvement stores, but you can also make your own with simple lumber. If you stain the wood prior to attaching to the ceiling.

    Another option is to buy decorative trim molding and tack to the ceiling. You can use a single style trim molding or you can get creative and attach different pieces against one another to make a large looking decorative section.

    • Gra25566226 Gra25566226 on Jan 14, 2018

      Thanks Dana my husband and i were thinking of something along those lines. Appreciate your suggestions.

  • Rosemary Kelly Rosemary Kelly on Jan 14, 2018

    I had stucco that looked like heavy meringue on dry wall. I knocked it all off (big holes)and then used joint compound to skim coat it. Sanded it lightly ,then primed it and painted it. It's a little different look. It's textured slightly and looks like french plaster.

  • Kimberly Kimberly on Jan 14, 2018

    Can u 🤓🤓🤓 why it's comming away? That will help better repair.

  • Kimberly Kimberly on Jan 14, 2018

    DANA, that is such a cool idea, I can see it working in so many ways.

  • Rosemary Kelly Rosemary Kelly on Jan 15, 2018

    Sure. I used joint compound. Sanded it slightly. It really sucked in the primer. On top of that I used semigloss. The ceilings are white and the walls are Drifting Dune.

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  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Jan 15, 2018

    Get a professional to just do the spackle and tape. This job you need someone with the expertise, to have a smooth outcome.