Inexpensive curtain rod ideas?

by L
I need two 8 foot curtain rods about 1/2 inch circumference. Actual rods are expensive. I would appreciate any ideas for a sturdy alternative. Thanks!

  11 answers
  • Gregg Gregg on Jan 22, 2018

    What about using copper pipe, or electrical conduit.

    • L L on Jan 22, 2018

      Thanks, I’ll check on this during my weekly Home Depot trip. This just might do it.

  • Gelaine Fasse Buhk Gelaine Fasse Buhk on Jan 22, 2018

    how about pvc pipe with some kind of end cap like a ball or a gem. You can paint the pvc pipe

    • L L on Jan 22, 2018

      I’ve heard of using PVC but never looked into it. I’ll check. The curtain is lightweight too so it might work. Thank you!

  • Ken Ken on Jan 22, 2018

    I think you mean 1/2" diameter, not circumference. Even so, this is so small for an 8' rod that you would need at least two support brackets along the length besides the end supports.

    Amazon sells curtain rods of this length as low as $30, but they are necessarily larger diameter than 1/2". Making a rod of something like copper water pipe, along with brackets to support it, would certainly cost more than $30.

    • L L on Jan 22, 2018

      Yes, diameter! Oops! I didn’t even think of Amazon but will look now. I have support brackets in place. Thank you for all of your information.

  • Jane Jane on Jan 22, 2018

    if light weight curtains, I have used command hooks and dowel rods

    • L L on Jan 22, 2018

      Wow, that’s a great idea! Thank you!

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Jan 22, 2018

    I was thinking along the same lines as Gregory. You might also be able to find long wood dowels, but you'll definitely need a center support. I used just plain white hook-em-up curtain rods that you slide the actual drapes onto. A small bracket holds them onto the wall. They are pretty inexpensive, but they do need a center support for that width. Center supports are separate, but not that expensive. You can buy extensions for the rods if the standard size is not long enough. I've been able to use this inexpensive type of curtain rod throughout my home. I can't tell where you live, but if you are in the US, try Walmart and use your imagination. |__________| The rods look something like that.

  • Janice James Janice James on Jan 22, 2018

    Try wood quarter round it comes in 8 and 10 foot pieces, you can use the 1 inch L hooks to hang them, and screw draw pulls on each end ....paint or stain your color of choice

    • L L on Jan 22, 2018

      This might be the answer! It’s a secondary rod so I wouldn’t even need the end finials and I already have brackets in place. This might work and be the least expensive option. Thanks so much!

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jan 22, 2018

    Conduit pipe at big box hardware stores is an excellent choice that I have considered. I think they come in 10 foot lengths and you can make your own decorative finials. Rod holders could be purchased separately. The pipe cut as your dimension indicates.

    comment photo
    • L L on Jan 22, 2018

      I’ll definitely look at this. Thank you.

  • Gelaine Fasse Buhk Gelaine Fasse Buhk on Jan 22, 2018

    being that they are 8' long you might want to put a bracket in the middle for support.

  • Gelaine Fasse Buhk Gelaine Fasse Buhk on Jan 22, 2018

    Your Welcome

  • Beka 6 Beka 6 on May 20, 2021

    Dow rod broom handle curtain rods fishing string.