Asked on Feb 04, 2018

Colors that compliment almond

Julie Hansen
by Julie Hansen
  6 answers
  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Feb 04, 2018

    Almond is fairly neutral. I like warm colors with it, such as peach, terracotta.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Feb 04, 2018

    As a neutral, almond goes with EVERY color. When I design a room, I use the following formula for additional colors:

    - 60% main color (almond - the color you want)

    - 30% complementary color (colors you have)

    - 10% accent color

    In your case, I would take a couple of pieces of furniture or accessories that you are using for your decor and take a cue from these for your complementary color and accents. That way you can lessen the need to buy more items and not only use what you have an love, but save a considerable amount of money.

    For example, if your sofa is shades of teal or blue, I would use the almond for the wall shade (60%), add other shades of teal or blue for trim (30%) and pick a third color for just a bit of accent (like apricot or auburn - 10%)

  • Mogie Mogie on Feb 04, 2018

    Go to a paint or big box store and select color chips. Bring them home and see what looks best in your house.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Feb 04, 2018

    Almond is a neutral color so any darker hues of the same color would complement it. Also, any bright colors that YOU favor would be good, if you like red, orange, yellow, or green, all those would look beautiful with it. Also blue would be nice, with all the shades from light powder blue to navy. Hope this helps

  • Bijous Bijous on Feb 04, 2018

    Literally everything including white.

  • Melanie Czoka Melanie Czoka on Feb 04, 2018

    Blue, Black, and shades of white. :)