Can you really install bookshelves that look like built ins?

Kenya Dawkins
by Kenya Dawkins
I want a library in my home. I want shelving from floor to ceiling on three walls in the room. I just don’t know where to start

  1 answer
  • J Nicol J Nicol on Feb 15, 2018

    Draw a rough sketch, take accurate measurements. With most houses nothing is quite square, or exactly the same from place to place; so don't just assume the distance from floor to ceiling will be exactly the same all round. Go online and get some inspiration (and maybe some Utube tutorials), buy good materials (this isn't the time for 1/4" stuff, you want this build to hold some books), then source what tools you might need to borrow or buy. There are lots of ways to build shelves; but think through what you want. If you plan for adjustable shelves, you can alter as needed; but if your shelves are fixed in place, take some time to look at the sizes and quantities of books you plan to have. So you have ample tall shelves for the bigger things.Good luck.