Flowers in an apartment.

by Tex32693289
I am wheelchair bond and need to make my apartment less depressing. I only have 2 windows so I've had no luck with flowers but I love them. Help ideas to brighten up my home please.

  12 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Feb 27, 2018

    Geraniums are pretty hardy and make nice house plants. You may need to supliment the lighting a “daylight“ bulb in a lamp with the plant placed under it. Spin the plant a quarter turn or so every few days so all the leaves can get light on them.

    • Tex32693289 Tex32693289 on Feb 27, 2018

      Thank you for answering my question DFM. My mom grew beautiful Geraniums. I really don't have a green thumb but I do love them so that is a good suggestion.

  • Ann Cherkas Halstead Ann Cherkas Halstead on Feb 27, 2018

    How about silks or dried natural flowers.

    • Tex32693289 Tex32693289 on Feb 27, 2018

      I have some dried flowers which I love maybe adding brighter silks would be just what I need. Thank you Ann for your suggestion.

  • Nicole S. Nicole S. on Feb 27, 2018

    How about a cactus? I love having a cactus in my room - minimal work, but some nature.

    Have you considered painting your walls a new colour, or hanging colourful artwork?

    • Tex32693289 Tex32693289 on Feb 27, 2018

      Nicole these are great ideas. I am limited to what I can do for physical and financial reasons but I would like a Cactus terrainium. I had not thought about that until your suggestion. I would love to have a pretty fish aquarium to add some life in here but they can end up costing a lot my neighbor said. Thank you for your advise I will get some cactus

  • Nicole S. Nicole S. on Feb 27, 2018

    How about a cactus? I love having a cactus in my room - minimal work, but some nature.

    Have you considered painting your walls a new colour, or hanging colourful artwork?

    • Tex32693289 Tex32693289 on Feb 27, 2018

      Wonderful link and beautiful plant!! Thank you so much Janet I would love some tropical influence in my life. I lived in Florida for many years before moving to Texas.

  • Emily Emily on Feb 27, 2018

    What about hanging a mirror to reflect the windows? What about framed pictures of flowers? Any pretty decorative item or piece of furniture of your choice would help brighten your space. Even a glass bowl full of fake fruit can be very pretty. In one of my rooms I have a glass hanging bowl that is filled with fake lemons. That lifts my heart every time I look at it. As would a pretty bowl of fake apples! Actually I find that even a very pretty book cover gives me a lift.

    comment photo
    • Tex32693289 Tex32693289 on Feb 27, 2018

      Amazing ideas Emily!! I would have never imagined hanging a glass bowl of lemons. I have an adobe red kitchen that those would sure brighten. Such great suggestions.

  • Tex32693289 Tex32693289 on Feb 28, 2018

    Thank you everyone for all the great ideas!! I'm excited to add these bright tips so I can enjoy my home.

  • Marj Marj on Feb 28, 2018

    As to the cactus suggestion, there are brightly colored ones. I have seen them in Home Depot.

    • Tex32693289 Tex32693289 on Feb 28, 2018

      Those are so lovely. I will have to get my daughter to take me to the nursery because Home Depot don't carry them in the store.Thank you so much for this link Marj

  • M. M.. M. M.. on Mar 01, 2018

    There are online nurseries that send plants thru' the mail, right to your door. Two of my favorites are Logees (they have wonderful categories) and Pacific Crest Gardens who sell a variety of succulents by the tray!