How to fill holes under cabinets?

by Melinda
My new home had outlets mounted under cabinets with wires coming out of holes thru drywall and thru bottom of cabinetry. Now the outlets have been move to the backsplash area like they should have been. There’s vacant holes left. How can I fill these in easily?? I’m no carpenter or painter, just a homemaker!
  4 answers
  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Mar 18, 2018

    Great Stuff foam expands and fills the holes. After it dries, you can use a serrated knife to cut it flush with the surface of the wood. Afterwards, you can finish with a little wood putty or drywall compound and paint.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 18, 2018

    Along the same line as Laura Cooper’s, I suggest using plumber’s putty. Let it dry at least a day. You could even try a cork. Then paint or stain to blend in with the cabinet. And if none of that appeals to you, hang something from the area around the holes with some kitchen helper. If you post a photo, you’ll get more specific suggestions. ☺️

  • William William on Mar 18, 2018

    I would get a wood dowel or whittle my own to plug the hole. Cut it flush, Paint or stain.

  • Shoshana Shoshana on Mar 19, 2018

    Filling it with a plumbers putty is a good idea!