Other than sanding/stripping what can I do to make this w look better?

Karla Cagwin
by Karla Cagwin
  16 answers
  • Christine Pardo Christine Pardo on Mar 29, 2018

    That is decades of dirty wax build up. Need to strip the wax off.

    • Karla Cagwin Karla Cagwin on Mar 30, 2018

      After all the great feedback back I'm going to something with it. Super ideas thanks for your comments.

  • Itsmemic Itsmemic on Mar 29, 2018

    you can paint it...but you will really need to be into that rustic look :) It really looks gross though..I'd strip it .

  • Ken Ken on Mar 29, 2018

    The surface is rough from deterioration of the original finish. Anything you add on top without removing that old finish will result in an inferior appearance. Consider Formby's Furniture Refinisher. It is less effort than stripping but still requires masking and lots of ventilation.

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    • Karla Cagwin Karla Cagwin on Mar 30, 2018

      I stripped wood in other areas if my house about 30 years ago. It looks like there are better stripping products out there that I may try. Thank you!

  • Reba Reba on Mar 29, 2018

    Replace it!

    • Karla Cagwin Karla Cagwin on Mar 30, 2018

      I would love to. Looks like I'll be using some elbow grease and strip or paint. Great feedback here!

  • Gayle Tucker Gayle Tucker on Mar 29, 2018

    Try a product called Finish Restore

  • Jeanne Martin Jeanne Martin on Mar 29, 2018

    That's going to take some work no matter what you plan to do with it. Sorry!

    • Karla Cagwin Karla Cagwin on Mar 30, 2018

      You're so right! I just needed some ideas and as you can see there are a number if great ones🙂

  • Barb Barb on Mar 29, 2018

    Ok so we all see the need to replace but your question was what can you do to make it look better. Maybe there isn't someone who can help you maybe you can't buy what you need to replace . But the fastest thing you can do to make it look good is buy a dark chalk paint and paint it on then wipe it off . Then buy a lighter color chalk paint and do the same Maybe a dark brown first then a copper or gold color for second coat . It will come out looking like a picture frame look with more of a rustic look .Kind of in the way of crackle paint look I would say. I do think this is how crackle look came to be really .Not the fake finish people do to make it look old now days with crackle paint anyway . Just remember when you wipe it not to take to much off the second coat as that will be what stays on the higher spots. what you would be doing is trying to make it look as if the higher spots were highlighted really so you could use normal paint even really .

    try it on a spot you don't see like a corner .If you don't like it maybe you can just do a solid color and it will just look really old and still have the crackle look from the old was build up .I wish you the best.

    • See 2 previous
    • Karla Cagwin Karla Cagwin on Mar 30, 2018

      Thanks for this great idea!

  • Dee Dee on Mar 29, 2018

    I have refinished items like this in the past. Formby's makes a stripping TAPE. It's wonderful to work with because it doesn't have a strong smell, it will conform to the shape of whatever you are working on and it's easy to remove. Depending on the condition of the wood beneath the finish, most times you don't even have to sand.

  • Melissa Winey Chapman Melissa Winey Chapman on Mar 29, 2018

    Try vinegar and canola oil mixed 1 part vinegar to 3 parts canola oil and wipe it down really well.

  • Angie Ratliff Angie Ratliff on Mar 29, 2018

    Mini wax gel stain! I’ve used it on crazy surfaces sometimes not even wiping off! If you don’t wipe it off between coats you get a solid stain:) sometimes I sand a little beforehand sometimes I don’t! I love the stuff:) there are many colors to choose from.

    comment photo
  • Kathleen Kathleen on Mar 29, 2018

    Homer Formsby all the way! Then just a light sanding and the miracle of chalk paint! Works every time. 😊 Not too much work either!

  • Inetia Inetia on Mar 30, 2018

    You didn’t say what this price is, but if it’s a headboard maybe you could upholster it.

    • Karla Cagwin Karla Cagwin on Mar 30, 2018

      I don't want to spend more than $50and it's 2 windows and staircase. Thank you for answering!

  • Anna Anna on Mar 30, 2018

    This looks a lot like crawled shellac. You can test is with some ordinary rubbing alcohol and a rag. Apply a generous amount to the rag and rub on. If it starts to dissolve, then it's shellac. You don't have to strip it but it has to be cleaned off. To do that, get some denatured alcohol and some 4 aught steel wool (super fine, no soap, available at any decent hardware store). Next, get some nitrile or rubber gloves, ventilate well and soak the steel wool in the denatured alcohol and scrub to clean. Denatured alcohol works way better than rubbing alcohol. I've cleaned quite a few antiques over the years doing this. It's fairly cheap and quite effective but you have to put in the work.

  • Joanne Joanne on Apr 01, 2018

    I agree with Anna. I have also used this method. Use good rubber gloves make sure they fit you or you will struggle. You must clean it first or you will be rubbing dirt! You might also try mineral spirits to soften the finish. I have also used a citrus stripper, cheap paint brush it on, while scrubbing with steel wool. This would help break it down then rinse. Must rinse! Let it dry and try to wipe on a stain you may have broken it down enough to refinish. Good luck

  • Anna Anna on Apr 02, 2018

    My pleasure and best wishes for a successful project.

  • MaryDy MaryDy on Sep 30, 2020

    You are great! I would never to renovate something such by myself! To tell the truth, for me it is much more easier to work and day and pay someone for this job than to lose time, nerves and do it by yourself. More than all I know that I wouldn't be pleased with my final work. I even had ordered a new Makita orbit sander https://www.bestorbitalsander.com/orbital-sanders/makita/bo5031-2-random-orbital-sander/ when we started the reparation works in our new house. Indeed, it is perfect. But frankly speaking, I thought that I can do all by myself. Unfortunately the reality was that I needed a big experience, the whole day to work, and as conclusion someone redone it after me anyway.