How to make my backyard private?

Cinda Raybon
by Cinda Raybon
Does anyone have any recommendations to create privacy here? I feel like every time I go in my backyard, my neighbor is watching me from this window
  10 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 01, 2018

    Lattice work around the porch, curtains hung from the ceiling, vines climbing up string from the ground to the ceiling movable panels or folding screens.

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Apr 01, 2018

    It will take a while, but a tree would be your best privacy because it will be taller than your fence and dense foliage. There are companies that specialize in transplanting larger trees. I'm not sure what they cost, but would provide you instant privacy

  • Bijous Bijous on Apr 01, 2018

    Sure: Italian Cypress Trees. They grow tall and thin. Plant fairly close up against the fence. Buy the tallest ones you can afford. Good luck.

    comment photo
  • Janet Panos Janet Panos on Apr 01, 2018

    Hello Cinda! If you have lawn or dirt on your side of the fence, plant a cypress tree there. They grow quickly — one to two feet per year— and will be quite tall in no time. It will cover that window without being an overt affront to your neighbor. Good luck!

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Apr 01, 2018

    Hi Cinda,

    You've gotten some good ideas from other members, I just wanted to suggest that you not worry about your neighbors watching you (that is unless you can actually see them). Most people are too busy with their own lives to take the time to watch what their neighbors are doing in their backyard - unless it's something loud and unusual. ;) Wishing you the best.

  • Cinda Raybon Cinda Raybon on Apr 01, 2018

    Thanks! But have seen him watching. Lol

    • See 1 previous
    • Robin Jeanne Sasse Robin Jeanne Sasse on Apr 05, 2018

      I have the same problem except I have 4 Windows to worrie about.

      It's house on stilts typesetting. They put up a 6-foot privacy fence but they can still see, so what I did was... I went to Big Lots and I bought one of those gazebo type things with the Privacy curtain. At least I know that I can go under that and won't be watched. It has a zipper so you can also open it up with netting all the way around it.

      It's about $400. If you go after summer you can get it half price. And no I'm not being paranoid.

      I saw him at a club once and he said he was always attracted to me. He used to be a bouncer at a place I frequent when I was young. Well I didn't realize that he moved next door to me with his wife I might add .

       I always had this weird feeling that I was being watched

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Apr 01, 2018

    I would suggest three to five. cypress. These are beautiful slim and elegant trees. As someone above said, these are fast growing trees, but they are slim. One might look silly, like a single green pencil. one of the beauties of these is that they will give you privacy but not intrude on your yard.

    I don’t know where you are, but look into “sun sails” which can be hooked up to the house at any angle you choose.

  • Itsmemic Itsmemic on Apr 04, 2018

    I would say eh sun sails positioned correctly should block his view..and YES>..I am sure they DO snoop...Mine do too...

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Apr 04, 2018

    I don’t know what code is for height of backyard fencing in your area, but consider attaching lattice (with matching framing for looks) to the top of your fence. You’d probably have to overlap by about a foot for stability unless you add 1”x4”x8’ supports on either side of each of your original posts. There are multiple color choices, and the holes in the lattice will not block breezes.

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Apr 05, 2018

    Plant a Leyland Cyprus here. It will grow fast and provide blocking.