Heavy metal adjustable patio lounge re-web

It weighs too much for me to pick up, maybe 50-75 lbs (well made, 70’s era?). The original plastic/vinyl 1/4” is not coming loose. How can I add a new seating surface that will last long term? It has a metal bar that is right beneath the hip area and it must not stretch much because of the bar. Any ideas? Wood, webbing, whatever. I am open to ideas. Forgive lawn mess in photo, still too wet to mow here.... (* I am not sure why it looks curved in the knee area photo, but it is not.) Husband loves it, so I want to fix it.
  8 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 13, 2018

    instead of stepping put a terry lounge mat on top when you want to use it

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Apr 13, 2018

    id use fishing line and a curved needle to secure the loose sections. Then I’d probably buy a couple of not too bulky chaise lounge covers (primarily because the back looks so tall), and rip the backs of those covers off a bit to custom fit.

    The back you’d have to take out corner fillings to fit the oval. You might even fit it pillow-case style so it covers front and back. The seat, take out stitching to the arms and make that an “envelope” too. I’d try to secure that with Velcro along those sides. Same at the foot, but a much smaller length needs to be opened.

    With the Velcro you’d be able to take them off for the winter.

    • Kelly Roxanne Logsdon Kelly Roxanne Logsdon on Apr 13, 2018

      Each time he sits on it, the strings break more. In my question, I accidentally said it was not coming off, but it is, so must be removed. Thank you though.

  • Trudi Trudi on Apr 13, 2018


    I would cut everything off and put on new. I used to macro-may patio chairs. This almost looks like it. If you do not want to go to all that work, you can buy heavy material, like canvas, put eyelets all along the ends and edges and tie it to the chair..

  • Crystle Gibson Crystle Gibson on Apr 14, 2018

    Strip it all off and re-weave it with rope (1/4” or 3/8”) works best.

    Just remember that the tighter you pull rope, the harder (firmer) the seating surface will be. Once it is woven, you can spray paint the whole thing.

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  • Helen Helen on Apr 14, 2018

    With the lounge, I'd be more likely to get some canvas, bright colors and cut it a little (about 4" over size on each side and bottom. Then I'd cut out from the edge on each side and top & bottom to make tabs. After that, I'd need to hem the edges on each side and top & bottom. Then using the tabs I'd loop em over the edge & back up and either grommet them or tie them in together. so they were secure on the rods. Easy Peasy.

  • Kathleen Nagy-Derosa Kathleen Nagy-Derosa on Apr 14, 2018

    Hi Kelly,

    I have a swing on my deck that had canvas on it which tore. I too wanted to repair it and not throw it out. I searched the web and found this website, www.kingskountry.com. They not only carry Bonnie cotton cord (6 mm) in many colors, but chair patterns as well, and in many themes. Because my swing is a two seater, I bought two patterns and regraphed them into one design to fit. It's easy to do, just takes time. They have tutorials on how to do it. I ran out of cord with only 12 more rows left to my design and need to finish it, but you get the idea.

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  • Joan Joan on May 13, 2018

    I recently replaced some webbing using canvas. I cut the pieces so that they would wrap less than all of the way around. Using a hard wood as a working surface, I put grommets through the folded edges (which created a hem to avoid raw edges). On the underside of the lounge/chair I laced the canvas. If it stretches, I can tighten the rope. It has worked out well for me. Canvas comes very wide, so you won't need much. I purchased lounge pillows as well.