Has anyone done stained glass with glue and acrylic paint?

Jodi Leabres
by Jodi Leabres
I've been thinking about doing my front door and side windows. Any Suggestions?

  7 answers
  • Ali31712377 Ali31712377 on Apr 21, 2018

    Yes i have. But beware.....the sun can cause it to drip ....or peel off. Your better to mix your paint with clear varnish or use a paint for glass.

  • M. M.. M. M.. on Apr 21, 2018

    Glass paints will look better than acrylic and last longer. they are formulated to spread/brush on smoother but keep a rich even color without showing brush marks. Get a piece of broken scrap glass to experiment with first. There are also better materials to use than glue for the sectioning of the colors. Since you will be working on the glass while it is vertical, rather than flat on a table, these "grout"/stained glass lead products will not run like glues can. You can even get them in colors like black, brown,etc to make them more realistic. Show us your before and after!

  • V Smith V Smith on Apr 21, 2018

    Look into Gallery Glass, you can usually find premade "lead" in straight lines.

    • Jodi Leabres Jodi Leabres on Apr 21, 2018

      Yes, I saw some videos using gallery glass. I was thinking of mixing my own, but I may stick to the gallery glass and add paint to it. also the lead will give me straighter lines than I could do. Thanks!

  • Bethamy Spires Barringer Bethamy Spires Barringer on Apr 25, 2018

    hot Glue will come off the glass in the cold. Elmer’s is water soluble so choose your glue carefully. Also your paint choices. May be nice for awhile then you could change it

  • Jodi Leabres Jodi Leabres on May 14, 2018

    I used the strips and some black gallery glass for intersections

    comment photo
  • Jodi Leabres Jodi Leabres on May 16, 2018

    I finished my faux stained glass on my front door

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  • https://www.hometalk.com/diy/windows-doors/windows/custom-stained-glass-28820149?r=2