Table paint

Bernice H
by Bernice H
Round oak table...decided to paint it. We sanded and sanded,it was still smooth,never got to wood,but at least it was scuffed,we thought. Used deglosser. Then painted white semigloss acrylic. Paint separated. Had to resand ,,degloss again. This time put teal semi Gloss on,it still didn’t cover. Wood showed through on brush strokes. NOW ...can I leave it shabby like this and put water based VARATHANE on? Will this be tough enough to use on a dining table? The paint guy said I didn’t have to top coat..well,I dont know about that. I am worried it also won’t adhere. I have never had this problem,even on veneer. This is not veneer. Help? I am afraid to move ahead.( I used a bit of darker blue to sort of streak with lighter blue.)
  6 answers
  • A bit confused? You started with an "oak" table yet sanded and never hit "wood?" Is this a laminate top table? Does not appear that you used a primer of any sort? Head over to a real paint store and tell them the exact products you used. There will be a sealer that will work, just not sure which one.

    • See 1 previous
    • Well Ok then! I love the color, bright and cheery, certainly an ocean table. For that price you can't beat it! Enjoy. 🌞

  • DesertRose DesertRose on May 03, 2018

    I love it the way it is! It looks beautiful, and so vogue for today's trends!

    • See 1 previous
    • Dokey Dokey on May 05, 2018

      I like it like that! Its a keeper, Bon Apitite 🍴🍷

  • Dokey Dokey on May 03, 2018

    If you like it, use it !! I just went through a similar thing with my TV stand. I sanded and sanded, thought it was ok but the Stain didn't take in certain areas. I sanded AGAIN! Finally, a guy who does jobs for me told me to buy Poly Stain. Its like a paint more than a Stain but it worked!! Pretty color, Honey.

    • Bernice H Bernice H on May 03, 2018

      thank you,I love it too,especially with the color variations,it’s my ocean table! I have never tried poly stain,does it come in fun colors? Thanks for checking in.😽

  • Dokey Dokey on May 03, 2018

    SORRY!! Its called Poly Shades!! And its glossy too!

  • Ebby Ebby on May 03, 2018

    I actually agree and love the look of it as is. Gives it character...not so 'perfect!'

    • Bernice H Bernice H on May 03, 2018

      This is true..we just sold a Duncan Phyfe table that is not me. We got it at a habitat for 85$ with 4 chairs. Sold it for same. But it had “ history” on the top which did not bother me. One of the scratches was some math problem some little person did. Sweet! 😻 thanks for checking in!

  • Emily Emily on May 03, 2018

    It looks to me as if the left side of the table has some striations in it, but maybe it is veneer that has lifted? We have done a fair amount of painting in this household and never had a piece of whatever that did not cover adequately. Nor have any of them been sanded and sanded and sanded. Usually a light sanding is all that is needed. This sea chest was about 200years old when we found it. My husband originally wanted to save the color, and started sanding but very lightly and even using fine steel wool. He could not preserve the finish so then gave it a finish of French polish.

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    • Bernice H Bernice H on May 03, 2018

      Wow this is gorgeous! You should be proud of this beauty. No,I have never had this problem either. Which baffles me. I have painted veneer,plastic,laminated countertops...the whole shebang. The striations are a darker blue I mixed in with the aqua. Its my ocean table. It was supposed to be white top,but I ran into this problem. Thanks for your input! 🌺