How do I get rid of a family of ground hogs?

by Andrea
  2 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on May 19, 2018

    • Sprinkle blood meal, ground black pepper, dried blood, or talcum powder around the perimeter of your garden. You can try using hair clippings as well.
    • Puree and strain hot peppers and garlic, mix them with water and enough liquid soap to make it stick, and spray it liberally around the garden.
    • Put some harmless but strong-smelling substance just inside the burrow (such as urine-saturated clumps of kitty litter). Loosely seal the entrance, so the smell stays inside the burrow.
    • Eliminate woodpiles and other places where groundhogs nest.
    • Keep undergrowth and grass cover low to deter groundhogs.

    Groundhogs are always looking for vacant burrows. Close down their tunnel systems. Bury a three-foot-square panel of welded wire, centered over the entrance hole before an abandoned burrow is rediscovered.

  • Mad29883817 Mad29883817 on May 19, 2018

    Put Cayenne pepper