How to diy a faux brick interior wall

by Renee
  3 answers
  • Alice Alice on May 19, 2018

    this video might help...

  • Bijous Bijous on May 19, 2018

    There's several ways to do faux brick:

    1. panels of 4x8 faux brick
    2. actual brick fascia
    3. plaster, using a template
    4. flat surface, painted faux bricks

    It all boils down to $$ and what you want to tackle. I like using plaster-of-paris and a template. It's cost effective and I can play with different colors of brick (and I use left over paint). If you'd like to do this also, practice on an artist's board (any hobby store) or piece of plywood. Getting the technique down before you tackle a wall makes all the difference. Good luck.

  • DD DD on May 19, 2018