Asked on May 15, 2014

Adding a Fence to My Garden

by Lea6941
I want to add a fence to my garden not sure what's better- plastic or wood or even metal... any thoughts?
  11 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 15, 2014
    What's better for someone else may not be what's better from you. There are pros and cons to all the materials. You have to think about what you want from the fence, how much maintenance you're committed to, and what your budget is.
  • White Oak Studio Designs White Oak Studio Designs on May 15, 2014
    Every plastic fence I've seen is broken or stained. Personally I would not go there. So that leaves wood and metal. Which would go best with your home and site? Often the home suggests the fencing type. A small bunglow or cottage might look best with a wooden picket fence? My friend who is an avid gardener wants her flowers to be the stars of the show, so she bought a fancier black metal fencing (from Home stores) that blends into the background of her property and garden and her Craftsman home and garden shine. My brother (who has a log home with stained siding and rustic red accents) wanted a "work horse" fence to hold in dogs and grand kids, so he put up a dark brown metal chain link fence that also blends well into the landscape but holds everybody in. So what is your house like? So how do you use your yard? What is the main purpose of a fence... beauty? Or to keep our deer? What is your budget? I suspect that use and looks will lead you to the right fencing type. If you post a picture of your home, and the goals of your fence project then perhaps we can make additional suggestions.
  • Stefanie Reed Stefanie Reed on May 15, 2014
  • Susan B Susan B on May 15, 2014
    i have plastic fencing and i HATE it!!!!! its smaller, not a big fence tho. it bends wont stay put. totally unhappy especially for what it cost. so wish gotten wood. hope helps.
  • Leslie Long Leslie Long on May 16, 2014
    I agree with most others that plastic would not be my choice. It depends on your preference and wood will require more maintenance, but here in FL the plastic fence warps and bends and I would not install it. Metal would be the best and most long lasting, but again, it depends on your budget. Happy Gardening :)
  • I love metal. Wood needs painted more often, can rot, and many times pickets warp and crack. This is my faux fence that I put up and love the way black wrought iron just makes the flowers and shrubs look
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  • Lorraine V Lorraine V on May 16, 2014
    What style is your house? Would it be purely decorative? Consider these questions before deciding AND never use plastic!
  • Elizabeth Sagarminaga Elizabeth Sagarminaga on Jan 08, 2015
    All types of fences have their pros as well as cons, whether it is wood fence, metal fence or picket fence. It depends on the whether you have in your state and also the type of garden you have. You can get detailed information from my website:
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  • Mary Ker Mary Ker on Jun 06, 2015
    We have a privacy fence where the postand rails are metal, with wood screwed onto it. No wood in the ground to rot, damaged pickets go on and off easily. Best of all worlds, IMO.
  • Elizabeth Sagarminaga Elizabeth Sagarminaga on Jun 20, 2016
    Looks great.. Nice work done..
  • Gabrielle Falk Gabrielle Falk on Jul 24, 2016
    I've seen 'plastic' picket style front fences, and they look great. The fence of our front garden is metal - ie colourbond style. One spear at a certain level and the next spear a bout 3" below, and so on. The top of the spear is decorated with a fleur de lys. (not sure of spelling). Much easier than continually maintaining a wooden fence. Beet there done that. I love the black, it almost disappears into the background. Looks really nice.