How can I improve the curb appeal on my home?

While this is not the "front" of my home it is the first thing you see when driving in the driveway and going to the front door. Sod is not the answer, as the ground has many above ground roots from the existing trees. Help!
  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 24, 2018

    lay heavy landscape fabric down ,use a edging and fill with mulch or stone, add a bench and some potted container plants

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      I'm making over 8000 dollar a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make online so I decided to look into it. Well, it was all true and has totally changed my life. This is what I do...

  • Ginny Ginny on May 24, 2018

    Consider low-lying, easy maintenance shrubs and plants in different heights. Look on line under Plant Names A-Z. Gives you proper names, pictures and information on the plants.

    Would consult an arborist about the tree roots as they can get into your house foundation and do lots of damage.

    Does a local college or university offer landscaping courses? A student might want a project like this for a reasonable price or course credit. It's worth a call.

  • Janet Panos Janet Panos on May 24, 2018

    Yes, I agree that an arborist should be consulted. Perhaps the tree roots can at least be trimmed. I believe a circular wooden bench around your tree would look attractive and inviting to visitors, along with some low maintenance plants or flowers. Install shutters or faux shutters to those windows and/or some window boxes. Good luck!

  • Becca Becca on May 24, 2018

    Maybe some decorative shutters and flower boxes under the windows.

  • AmAtHome AmAtHome on May 24, 2018

    Shutters would be a nice addition. You could consider a nice assortment of plants in containers along that side of the house. You might find trying to dig and plant even there is a problem with that root system.

    • Trish Biondillo Walzel Trish Biondillo Walzel on May 25, 2018

      All great ideas. We are thinking on the line of container plants because of the root system. Thank you for your input!

  • Baxter Baxter on May 24, 2018

    May not be able to do exactly the same as in the picture, but this might give you an idea of how to use mulch to hide those roots and bare areas. I would add shutters and window boxes to those windows and place a cluster or two of containers with tall ornamental grasses or shrubs.

    comment photo
    • Trish Biondillo Walzel Trish Biondillo Walzel on May 25, 2018

      Love that! Want to go with shutters to add appeal to the house, and above ground planters. I would probably do stone over mulch because of the water run off. Thank you for your input!

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on May 24, 2018

    After checking to make sure the trees don't need the roots covered or removed, get large rocks and boulders. Put evergreen shrubs, flowering shrubs and colorful plants in their pots in between the rocks.

  • I'd add ground covers, remove the gravel and plants shrubs by the front of the house. Your local Extension Office should have an Arborist you could ask about the roots. Usually it's free. I'm a Master Gardener and have worked with them on my tree issues.

    • Trish Biondillo Walzel Trish Biondillo Walzel on May 25, 2018

      I think that the roots have had me thrown off on what to do. Can't wait now to get started on improving this area. So many great ideas. Thank you so much for your input!

  • Rymea Rymea on May 25, 2018

    Either paint the brick or the siding to match each other.

  • You're welcome! And be aware if you use ROCK in a sunny area it will be a heat island and could overheat your tree roots. Unless you live in a cool climate...