How to display charms from a cruise?

MArtha Whaley
by MArtha Whaley
I collect charms from each port when cruising. I want to display them as a picture in a guest bedroom and be able to add charms when I get more. I bought a tea towel that has all the ports in the Caribbean but I don't know how to hang it. Any suggestions?

  10 answers
  • Bijous Bijous on May 28, 2018

    What fun!

    1. Get an old window
    2. Build a box
    3. Attach the window with hinges to the front
    4. Attach the tea towel to the back of the box
    5. Hang your charms
    6. As you continue to travel you can open the window and add more
    7. To get really fancy, add rope lights to the inside of the box attached to a battery operated on/off switch.
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    • MArtha Whaley MArtha Whaley on May 28, 2018

      Thank you. I am not a "builder but maybe I can find someone to help me. Thanks for the idea.

  • ☘️ TxBella ☘️ TxBella on May 28, 2018

    Why not take two Shadow boxes one with the original towel and the other with a photo of the towel.

    Take your charms and secure them to your photo copy.

    The only reason you don’t want to do it to your towel is over time however you secure your charms will ruin your beautiful towel.

    Good Luck☘️!

  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on May 28, 2018

    You can also do something very similar but with a shadow box. I would use an adhesive board like the kind used to display cross stitch for the tea towel. It would probably be easier to add the charms if you put jump rings (find them in the jewelry section of craft stores) on the towel BEFORE you stick it down. That way you can easily add new charms without disturbing what's already there. If you don't mind dusting, then you don't even need a shadow box. The tea towel on the board will work with a regular frame just as well. A nice mat will really make it stand out. Cheers!

  • MArtha Whaley MArtha Whaley on May 28, 2018

    I will need a trip to Hobby Lobby etc. to find out what an adhesive board is but I'm sure they can help. And good idea with the jump rings. My last question is...what is DUSTING???

  • Diane Diane on May 28, 2018

    Shadow box might be a nice touch.

    • Em Em on Mar 13, 2021

      If they are truly charms a shadow box would be hard to see and display.

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Mar 11, 2021

    You could hang the charms in a shadow box and add more to your collection as it grows. Marshalls and Ross always have great prices on shadow boxes.

  • Em Em on Mar 13, 2021

    Use screen netting in a picture frame. You can move them around. Buy a bag of shepherd hook earring backs online and attach them to the charms. Move them as you get more.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Apr 02, 2021

    Hello. It might be an idea to put the towel on some custom sized stretcher bars that will give you the opportunity to pin the charms on. Very creative souvenir!

  • Deb K Deb K on Apr 02, 2021

    Hi Martha, hope this helps bit, I was thinking you could put the tea towel in the background on this.


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