How do I properly place brick edging around my mailbox?

by Obst
I want to complete a mailbox makeover and need some assistance with the brick edging (and more). Do I need to lay sand and/or soil or just dig up the area and put the bricks in? I’m envisioning a 1/4 circle, adding edging, some daylilies and maybe coneflowers? and placing mulch. And putting new number stickers on the box itself after a good scrubbing. I’m in the Midwest if that makes any difference as to how to proceed on this exciting project.
My before picture- just beginning to measure the 1/4 circle.
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 29, 2018

    make sure you use heavy landscape cloth.

  • Heje Heje on May 29, 2018

    There will be a need to dig up and level the area and lay the bricks on the edge of the open area. You can also put down sand, gravel or a weed barrier under the brick to prevent growth from under them.

    • Obst Obst on May 29, 2018

      So I’ve dug up the area, which was a lot more work than I expected, and made a trench for the bricks but I definitely made it too deep and not wide enough. I’m thinking of laying the weed barrier down after I make some more painful digging adjustments and then just filling the trench with sand to get to the right height. Here’s the bricks I’m edging with, not very tall, so I over estimated. Should the edging be even with the grass or higher than it?


      comment photo
  • 27524803 27524803 on May 29, 2018

    See if you can find a "pre made" brick or pave circle.... bricks will already be tapered to fit the circle... then just adapt for the area.... for best results... dig out the area... the depth of the brick.... level the dirt in the area, use a good quality weed fabric, sand to level the brick and polymeric sand and bendable edging to keep the brick in place... should have ideas for you..... Put the plants in colorful containers or pots... change out the flowers according to the season... poinsettias at Christmas, etc... if you want.

    Use a paint made for plastic if the box and post are made of plastic... Rustoleum for metal.... remove or mask off around the oval where the numbers are and paint the interior white or silver... then put new black numbers at least 1 inch tall on both sides of the oval.... for extra visibility use reflective ones... to help folks find your address (at night).

    For extra pizzazz.. you cold mask off and paint the "insets" on the post and under the box... silver, gold, copper... or a fun color like lime or turquoise... Auto parts stores sell "pin striping" tapes in lots of colors including reflective.. for another way to customize it

  • Ken Ken on May 29, 2018

    Remove the sod and dig down until you reach clay or rocks. Place several inches of sand at the bottom and tamp. That will reduce the bricks heaving. Weed barrier around the outside of the bricks, like a plastic edging, will keep the grass from working its tendrils in. Replace the rest of the sod in your quarter circle with a couple of bags of good dark soil. The flowers that you have selected sound great.

  • Diane Diane on May 29, 2018

    I think it might be easier to spray the grass there with poison, then cover the area you want to plant with the black fabric ground cover for weeds.

    • Obst Obst on May 29, 2018

      Omg- that probably would’ve been SO much easier than the serious workout I just put my body through.

      I will know this for next time, thank you.

  • William William on May 29, 2018

    I use round edging around my post lamp. I just dug the area out, placed the edging right on the ground half deep for the first layer. Then used landscape adhesive for two more layers on top.

    • Obst Obst on May 29, 2018

      Thanks for the info. I only planned on one layer of edging so I’m thinking I’ll need to place them higher to make it work.

  • William William on May 30, 2018

    Saw the photo of the edging. I use the round ones. Needed a sharp half circle. With one layer I would say slightly higher than the grass. Hold any soil inside and mulch you may put down. Also easier to mow the grass. Landscape fabric is a good idea but I would skip the sand. It probably would spread and migrate out. Rain would more likely force it out anyway.