Asked on Feb 23, 2015

Nightmare neighbors

Sherry Kurtz
by Sherry Kurtz
We have the worst neighbors ever! They complain about everything! They hate dogs so they complain every time our dogs bark one time (not exaggerating) they have fabricated lies about us and our dogs to EVERYONE! What makes it even worse is he is an elected official and she just recently became a counselor at my sons school (lucky me! shes spread all her lies all over the school too)!!! Anywho, my question is about the fact that their fence has literally been falling down panel by panel since we moved in (which we share) so they blame the dogs every time something happens to it! If its just a couple of board coming off we just so ahead and fix it even though we know its not our dogs, especially since they have to be in a pin all the time and can't even explore their own yard!
Since its technically their fence we can't really attach anything to it, except maybe put up a whole new fence on our side but we don't have the money for that. That's not even the whole problem... their deck looks right over the fence into our yard and windows so they sit out on the deck and just stare at us like peeping toms! Do any of you extremely creative people have ANY ideas on how to make this situation a little more bearable??
  63 answers
  • Carole Carole on Feb 23, 2015
    Sympathise with your plight. We had similar problems until my husband talked to ours and told them it was time to put the past behind us and mover forward from where we stood and not bring up who said what to who or did what to who. It worked quite well. We were able to come to a compromise with our neighbours and all agreed to be civil to each other going forward. I hope the situation improves for you.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Feb 23, 2015
    See no great solution for this problem that doesn't cost a few bucks. They're probably hoping you'll spring for a new fence. I'd bite the bullet and put up a chain link. Don't know what grows fast in your area as far as tall, skinny trees similar to our pyramindal cedars to block their view.
  • Deezie Deezie on Feb 23, 2015
    Can you ask them to fix the fence? if not, maybe you can go to home depot and see if they have something that is tall enough for vine plants to grow up and put it right in that spot. I can't imagine having a fence all fallen over like that in my yard. Maybe even on craigs list in the free section, someone is getting rid of some old doors that you can kind of put together and make a cool wall in that area. Your dogs should be able to walk around free in their own yard. Geez I feel so bad. Good luck with what you decide on.
  • Marilyn Marilyn on Feb 23, 2015
    We have a similar problem but the fence that is falling down like that is OURS! Our neighbors stacked wood against a portion of our fence and totally ruined it so I refuse to replace anything till they move. I have photos showing how their stacked wood made our fence bow and then disintegrate, but these neighbors are not the type to do much about it. I sympathize! And we are seeking a solution, too. I was thinking of planting fast growing bamboo, but I just think it will start to look even more unkempt if we do that. Sigh.....
  • Leslie Erfani Leslie Erfani on Feb 23, 2015
    Split the cost!? It's an old fence & "maybe" the dogs had "something" to do w/ it (even tho I'm sure they didn't). That way u both have to bite the cost.
  • Sharri Sharri on Feb 23, 2015
    I have a similar situation with my neighbor (watching every move we make in our yard) they are just rude and arrogant, however, I live in a townhouse and my yard is not very large. I had thought about planting bamboo but was told that their seeds fall from their leaves and that it (bamboo tree) could possibly take over my what I am thinking about doing this spring is planting two Crepe Myrtle's or something similar in a gallon drum that I cut in half last fall and arrange them strategically to block the neighbors from viewing into my yard...if that works then I'll move onto finding a way to prevent them from using my 2 and I mean only 2 reserved parking spaces in this limited parking community that only they abuse! Good luck! :-)
  • Lag535400 Lag535400 on Feb 23, 2015
    We had the exact problem. Our neighbors split rail fence was deteriorating and they had an aggressive dog that was attacking our dog through this bad fence. We tried offering to pay half but they refused. We ended up having a fence company attach chain link to this portion of fence. It was cheaper than replacing the split rail, was not noticable and gave us piece of mind that our dogs were safe. Good luck!
  • Stefania Ackerman Stefania Ackerman on Feb 23, 2015
    Call your city officials. Find out if their fence can be deemed a hazard, or unsightly or whatever. Some cities impose a fine if they don't care for their property. Yes, they are wanting you to pony up the dough for a new fence, probably why they are spreading the rumors, trying to intimadate, etc. I promise you that you are not the only people they are ignorant to, others know what they are. Be strong and plant a few trees to block their view. I hope the city fines them and they have to replace or repair the fence.
  • Sarah Jackson Sarah Jackson on Feb 23, 2015
    @sherrykurtz Assuming the photo was taken from your side of the fence, I notice the "pretty" side is facing your yard, whereas most people who pay for a fence to be put up face the best side towards their own house. Makes me wonder if they bullied the last owners of your house into originally putting up the fence to save them money and now are trying to bully you into the same.
    • See 1 previous
    • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on Feb 25, 2015
      @Sarah Jackson Not necessarily..... My mother installed a new fence a couple of years ago, & what most people consider the "pretty" side faces out. It's a safety issue no stringers on the outside to help someone climb over.
  • Jodi Jodi on Feb 23, 2015
    Small town living....gotta love it! From the photos it looks like it's falling down from their side not yours so your dog didn't push the fence into your yard! If the fence is on a zero property line you have the right to repair it even if it is theirs. If it's not on a zero property line then the cost is your neighbors. Problem is they are your neighbors and assuming no one is renting then you need to learn to be civil with each other. You don't want your kids involved and becoming friends will make life easier for all. Good luck. If it were me I'd just fix the fence and be done with it. A few boards and maybe a metal stake on your side which you could cover with a bush.
  • Linda T Linda T on Feb 23, 2015
    I would definitely plant bamboo! It grows a few inches a day, you can almost watch it! Yes, it does spread like crazy, but the way you talk, I imagine you are a neat person, so you will diligently keep it trimmed on your side, and they being rotten slobs, will ignore it, 'til it covers their lawn and grows through the planks of their deck. HA! (Sharri, it's not a tree, it's a grass!) Good luck.
  • Bmlinn37 Bmlinn37 on Feb 23, 2015
    Put in posts and run wire or heavy twine between them , then plant some kind of vine to run on the wire. Could plant different climbing veggies, although that only hides it in summer. Maybe there is a climbing evergreen vine? Or make a waddle fence, [on your side] most people will let you have their broken limbs just to keep their yard clean.
  • Suzanne Kennerly Suzanne Kennerly on Feb 23, 2015
    I would go with a simple trellis with vines to block their deck view or a small, fast growing tree. I thought about bamboo, but it can be invasive.
  • Pammy Pammy on Feb 23, 2015
    A shop keeper had a dilemma having to remind the same customers of paying their tab on time so he set a friendly list in the window to thank his valued customers with a friendly reminder of those yet to square up and marked them off as they paid, every one could see the names and no one wanted their name on it. Have a back yard pot luck Invite your neighbors to come see their fence from your side.
  • Sherry Kurtz Sherry Kurtz on Feb 23, 2015
    Thanks for all the comments! The sad part is that we just moved into this community and they have been telling so many lies we cant even make friends! we are to the point we would just like to move! Heck the first day we moved in the neighbors on both sides were driving four wheelers through our yard! Keep in mind he is an alderman and she is a school counselor. My son comes home from school and ask "why does the counselor teach us not to smoke or drink and then does it on her back deck everyday?"
    • See 1 previous
    • Sherry Kurtz Sherry Kurtz on Feb 23, 2015
      @Pammy I did tell her about it when she came to my door drunk at 3am one morning and all she had to say was "well, I don't live next to all my students" We have bent over backwards to please them partially to just keep the peace and partially because they know so many people fooled. Its certainly not their first rodeo. We have thought about talking to the superintendent of the school and lately we were talking about serving them with cease and desist papers, but then you know it will just go back and forth..
  • Christina Christina on Feb 23, 2015
    You might want to check the plat or survey. Who knows, maybe the fence is encroaching on your property line and you can bring that to their attention. Or put up a fence in front of theirs on your side so you dogs can play and you don't have to look at the eyesore. I like the ideas above about natural options for fences, such as trees and bushes. Otherwise if talk and letters won't work, take them to small claims court.
  • Carole Carole on Feb 23, 2015
    If the fence borders both properties you will probably find if you look into it that both parties are responsible for the installation of a fence, the repairs to the fence should it need it. Only if one party is responsible for damage to the fence would that party be expected to foot the bill for all repairs. You are probably needing to look online and Google or use some search engine or other on boundary fences. Look up all the legalities and if necessary, if your neighbours won't co-operate and continue to blame you then seek legal advice either from a free source - some legal advice up to a certain amount of dollars or for stuff like this may be free or else you may need to see a solicitor. You don't want to resort to a solicitor unless things really are beyond repair with your neighbours (the relationship between the two of you). You might be able to get a unbiased third party to get you together to sort the situation out fairly and both parties sign something legal to ensure you both stick to what was decided in that meeting. If you can get the fence fixed and both parties agree to pay for it then your next step is to erect some sort of privacy screening which will protect you from prying eyes of the feeling of prying eyes. A lot of times when we feel uncomfortable it is because they can see us, not because they are going out of their way to do so. Just the lay of the land so to speak. Some posts on your side with some trellis or some screening at the top would go a long way to giving you the privacy you seek. Grow climbing plants up the trellis to form a dense screen. Or, use shade cloth. If you double the thickness it becomes opaque rather than transparent. We agreed to do this with our neighbours. We have black shade cloth on both sides of the fence and my husband put it up. Now neither party can see each other through the chain link fence. We are now going to plant some hedging plants along that fence so that when they are full grown, we can remove the shade cloth. I hope this advice helps. First find out the legal sides to it all. Knowing what you can and cannot do and knowing your rights and what help is available to you in reaching a compromise with your neighbours is the first step. Abusing each other over the fence or ignoring each other will not see a way out of this awkward situation. Believe me I know. Agreeing to let go of the past and find a way forward in an adult way is the best way to resolve this. To achieve this you need to let go of your anger towards your neighbours. Holding grudges is not healthy for you or them.
  • Deirdre Sullivan Deirdre Sullivan on Feb 23, 2015
    I feel your pain. I sold my apartment just to get away from my dog disliking neighbor. You can try to build an inexpensive dog / privacy fence using cattle wire fencing. A 50-foot roll, depending on height starts at around $40. For privacy, you can cover it with bamboo reed fencing that usually costs $20 a roll. You can see an example of a DIY cattle wire dog fence here: I bet you'll find more cattle wire fence ideas if you Google.
    • Sherry Kurtz Sherry Kurtz on Feb 23, 2015
      @Deirdre Sullivan they have some good ideas- thank you! That's kind of what we did for them only not near as pretty or big. I just grew morning glory's along it to camouflage. We have planted so many trees, roses, bushes, crepe myrtles.... it will be heart breaking to have to leave it now. Of course everything I plant on their side seems to mysteriously die...
  • Lisa Kaplan Gordon Lisa Kaplan Gordon on Feb 23, 2015
    Plant a living wall of fast-growing evergreens like Leyland Cypress.
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Feb 23, 2015
    Are you leasing the home or purchasing it?
  • Theresa Theresa on Feb 23, 2015
    Wow. That is so hateful of them. Something tells me that others are aware of their terrible behavior and that the town's people are not all fooled. Is she the only school counselor? As to the fence google, Google, Google. Find out what your rights are and proceed with caution. Try not to make them angry but don't lie down and be driven over in your own yard. I feel for you. Who knew you would be so mistreated? I hope you can find some resolution and peace.
  • Paul Hymes Paul Hymes on Feb 23, 2015
    I would have another question, that is, if this women is a school counselor does she not have to sign a confidentiality agreement? If so it would seem that some of her gossip may be in violation of such an agreement and grounds for discipline in her school job or even firing. You may have grounds to file a formal complaint. Also, if her husband is an elected official you may wish to file a formal complaint with the bylaw officer regarding the fence and maybe, even have it forwarded to the husbands office. As far as them watching from their porch several things may work, 1) smile and wave at them, 2) take family pictures with them in the back ground, 3) save you lawn cutting for a time when they are out enjoying the sun, 4) keep your home and property always looking nicer than theirs, 5) if they come up in a conversation find something nice to say about them, 6) reattach any boards on the fence (with screws, cause the fence doesn't look like it could stand much hammering, 7) invite them over for a backyard Bar-B-Q, etc. In other word "Heap Burning Coals on their heads" by being nice to them. Lastly, my father surrounded our property with (I think this is the right name) Multiflora bushes. He kept the neatly trimmed on our side and the neighbors side and never had a complaint. An additional benefit was that one night when I was in high school a car went out control and ran into the bushes outside my folks bedroom. Police said that the car was going between 90 and 100mph and if they had a regular fence they likes would have been killed or seriously injured. The way it was my dad went out the next morning and pushed the bush back up, about 10' high, with a rank and they continued to grow with no damage. Thus ends today's Epistle, Stump
  • Paul Hymes Paul Hymes on Feb 23, 2015
    Glad to be of assistance. Sorry, I'm a bit long winded I always had to work hard to keep my sermons short as well. stump
  • Debbie Kuhar Debbie Kuhar on Feb 24, 2015
    I live in the country, is that fence leaning on your property line? There are ordiances you know. Why dont you plant fortheyna (Know my spelling is wrong. They may start out small but they grow huge over a period of time.
  • Michele Brown Michele Brown on Feb 24, 2015
    use free pallet wood to build your own fence, And trust me I have the neighbors from Hell
  • Karen Karen on Feb 24, 2015
    Also have the same problem right down to the lies being told. I even took these people to court nothing works even though I won. It only was somewhat calmed down and only for a short time. ( that was a waste of $6000. I tried all the suggestions that Paul gave you. my suggestion would be to put up a fence a cheap fence plant Leyland cypress they grow very fast And they close off everything from site. But they need to be sprayed with a repellent to control bag worms.I hope this helps I feel your pain
    • @Karen My brother has the same problem as well .. too long a story to tell here, but I feel your pain. Short version: neighbours built a huge, unattractive fence right on the property line, with a GATE opening onto my brother's property. So, my brother planted some "emerald greens" (quick-growing evergreens) right along the fence, with TWO right in front of the gate.
      comment photo
  • Karen Karen on Feb 24, 2015
    PS. Let the dogs out. Dogs are dogs, they bark. As long as they are not violating a noise ordinance let them bark
  • Judith Costa Judith Costa on Feb 24, 2015
    All of the above suggestions are great, however, what you need to remember first and formost is that this is your home. You are not required to please anyone but you. As long as you are not breaking the law or any bylaws of a community with an association you are free to enjoy your home anyway you please. As long as you buck your neighbors you give them the power to ruin what should be your "happy place" and sanctuary. Put up a canapy, plant some trees and enjoy your home on your own terms. Be who you are and others will see you in the correct light. Fix the fence, let your dogs out and when they complain just smile and walk away.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Feb 25, 2015
    These people are bullies. Stand your ground as suggested.
    • Linda T Linda T on Feb 27, 2015
      @Pigaloo Pwincess-o'Eberyfing I love the idea of the trumpet vine on this site. The honeysuckle too grows fast, and both attract humming birds like crazy.
  • Marie Cole Marie Cole on Feb 27, 2015
    Boy do I relate! On the back side of my property I have a neighbor who could see directly into my yard. I built trellises and put fast growing vines on them about three feet in from the property line. The trellises helped break her line of site while the vines grew and now a couple of years later, she can't see me at all, ha, ha! Unfortunately, her high pitched little schnauzer can hear every little move me and my dog make but I've learned to ignore him. On the west side I have two very nice neighbors who decided to be too nice and got too busy body to the point I couldn't (no really) could not walk into my yard without one of them coming out to talk to me about whatever! I planted leland cypress along that chain link fence which already had a Russian Smoke tree growing towards the center and filled in with smaller plants for variety and color. When all was growing they would try to look between the leaves and yell at me to get my attention, now things have grown in nicely there too. The man doesn't like dogs and he would inform me whenever mine barked...sort of like your neighbors only nicer and I was keeping mine in a lot until I finally decided that was stupid and let my dog be a dog in his own yard. He is never left out when I am gone and when he is out alone, which is rare, if I hear a bark, which I can easily, I bring him in. I also told my neighbor I was tired of hearing about him barking because he was quietest dog in neighborhood; he apologized. Like you I can't afford to build a privacy fence for my entire back yard which is large and had to give up some space for the green privacy but it does look nice. Winter is the only time I lose some of that privacy but since it is pretty cold where I live that isn't much of a problem. I did use decorative short wire fencing to bar the area along the west side so my dog wouldn't go close to the fence and growing plants, but now I don't need it as he knows his barriers and it's fairly filled in (not dog friendly) I still have a barrier up for the back however as her dog wants to fight through the fence and this prevents that problem. I really enjoy my yard now. Good luck with working this out.
  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Feb 28, 2015
    @Sherry Kurtz There are a lot of inexpensive fencing ideas on this site, here are two of my favourites. - you could create something similar just framing an area and filling in with lattice. Also privacy ideas here, this is my favourite that displays several ideas You could also check the town bi-laws to see what their obligations are. In this area the home owner is responsible and if they do not comply, the city does the repairs and charges the home owner.
  • Judy Tapp Judy Tapp on Feb 28, 2015
    We don't have the neighbor problem but we planted Leland Cypress across the back of our lot. We love the look. They grow really fast and get very large. If you do this plant them at least 10 feet apart.
  • Wanda Arganbright Wanda Arganbright on Apr 02, 2015
    Well, I guess I'm really blessed to have such a wonderful neighbor on one side, and we won't discuss the one on the other side. The good neighbor started replacing the fence between us (his fence) and my teens helped by supplying free labor. Now my teens know how to build cemented in metal poll wood slat fence, and they know to help with the up keep. We have dogs and the neighbor does not. He is elderly and we will keep the fence in good repair. Good fences build good neighbors.
  • Debbie Kuhar Debbie Kuhar on Apr 04, 2015
    I'm stuck with a bad neighbor. When my daughter was little, they moved their durning barrell right next to my daughters swing det. Told her if my daughter ever gets burnt, Ill sue her. ANd the same thing goes for the fence, Tell her that the fence is leaning onto your property line. Or you got hurt on the fence or ripped some clothing. Im sure you have someone in your in your local department that can look at this.
  • Leslie Leslie on Apr 30, 2015
    Find out what the ordinance is in your area for installing a fence. Usually it is within 4 foot of property line. Then consider this a situation where you have to do something to fix the situation, like when an air conditioner goes out and you have to scrape up the money from somewhere. Buy one section of fence and posts every paycheck and install it from the corner of your house to the back line of your property line, parallel to neighbors fence. (Call to have utilities marked before digging) You will feel like you have taken control of the situation and will feel much better. Later you can buy cheap rectangular wire fence to go across the back and down the other side of property, so your dogs can run free. You might also check with local or nearby fencing companies and ask if they will give away any old fence sections they have removed from jobs. Also, if your neighbor/school counselor speaks of you or your family to others while on the job you need to complain through the proper channels. This should not be tolerated. Best of luck to you with what ever you decide to do! Let us know.
  • Sherry Kurtz Sherry Kurtz on Nov 17, 2015
    they finally fixed if after letting it lay there for 6 months and now their on to the next... just trouble makers!
    • Linda Cook Linda Cook on Jun 11, 2016
      My sympathies to you Sherri. I have some not so good renters beside me. Just wish they would mow their lawn!
  • Patty Heitz Wiltgen Patty Heitz Wiltgen on Dec 20, 2015
    We had the same problem. We started out by planting trees and lilac bushes strategically. Although it wasn't a quick fix, it's wonderful now. Regarding a fence, we couldn't afford fencing either. But we found lots on Craig's List that was free! Along with free labor from my son and his friends, we now have our own fence!
    • Edith Reardon Edith Reardon on Sep 30, 2016
      We have decided your fix will be our fix. Lots of high bushes and plants to give us some privacy. We will still see about putting up a better fence up against their dead cedars.
  • Debbie Kuhar Debbie Kuhar on Dec 22, 2015
    The matter is, are their nails sticking out of the boards that you or someone, even a animal can get scratched. Tell her you got scratched on a nail & it will not stop bleeding and you have to get a tetnis shot and your giving her the medical bill. Or say someone tripped over. If it is her fence, and needs to be fixed, its a liability that someone can get hurt.
  • Elizabeth Sagarminaga Elizabeth Sagarminaga on Feb 02, 2016
    Seems like you are facing grave problems from your neighbors. Try installing some fences. You can also get some ideas from here: Hope you find it useful and get some relief from the discomfort you are facing right now.
  • Leah Leah on Jun 11, 2016
    Put up lattice panels and grow some vines or hang some drop cloths when you want privacy.
  • Edith Reardon Edith Reardon on Sep 30, 2016
    Grow Silver Lace vines they will disappear from view. Need seeds I could probably get you some as the vine is almost impossible to kill.
  • Trish Trish on Jan 18, 2017

    put up an invisible fence along side theirs. Your dogs can roam your yard without ever wanting to go into theirs. My neighbors did this with their german shepherd because he was always jumping on the fence trying to get to my dog. Worked like a charm. I only wish I had of thought of it first. Would have saved me years of upset.

  • Mary Mary on Jan 18, 2017

    have you checked with your HOA they can give you more insight as to what to do and maybe force them to fix it. Most neighbors are responsible for one side or the other. Check to see if privacy fences are mandatory. Arming your self with rules and knowledge can make you the formidable neighbor. If he is in politics pictures and letters to the editor are a great start. So think HOA and city hall

  • Marra Marra on Jan 19, 2017

    It's been a long time but, I have had difficult neighbors in the past. The electric invisible fencing could be used (depending on the breed of dogs you have) to create a run for them on the other side of the yard. Or, create the run with reclaimed fencing, check with Craig's list, local fencing companies, or try one of these sites - they're becoming quite popular:

    If you have a deck or patio that you would enjoy sitting on you could create a PVC pipe purgola or sukkah for privacy At the same time I'd consider planting tall shrubs,

    grasses, clumping bamboo, anything that will grow tall enough to block their

    view and not be invasive. Remember - good fences do make....better neighbors.

  • Debbie Kuhar Debbie Kuhar on Jan 20, 2017

    Short & sweet. Take pictures of the fence if it falls again. Send them to your home owners insurance telling the agent it is their fence. I am sure you do not want your dogs getting hurt. There may be nails sticking out. Even if you have children playing in your yard. This is a liability & they can be sued.

  • Claude Claude on Feb 03, 2017

    From your photos, are there other neighbors with the same fencing problem. Go to them, then as a group go to the town and ask for help. Those panels are dried up and pushed thru from wind or force.

    You can buy a 100roll of deer fencing 6' high for $100...some 8' metal posts and some zip ties. Plant morning glories. In 30 days you've got this

    comment photo
  • Debbie Kuhar Debbie Kuhar on Feb 05, 2017

    Who said anything about lying. That fence had to be held together by something, nail, screw. Have you ever walked over to this fence to look to see what was holding it together. Loose nails or screws? Once way or another, it is a liability.

  • Gale Murphy Gale Murphy on Feb 08, 2017

    Try to understand their view and make a huge effort to be friendly

    • Claude Claude on Feb 09, 2017

      Sometimes you can be the best of neighbors...and things don't get better...grow the morning glories. They are beautiful from either side.

  • Claude Claude on Feb 09, 2017

    It looks like a cedar slat fence...nails fasten the slats...use screws and fix it And then plant morning glories...

  • Sue Kiene Sue Kiene on Feb 10, 2017

    The fence is a liability and from the picture it appears that it is on all sides of their yard. Get everyone that borders the property to take pictures of the fence issue. It looks like you are probably in an area that does not have an HOA so I would contact the village/township/city/county blight inspector and give them all of the pictures and file a complaint. Additionally regarding them staring over the fence at your family, friends etc. I would have some fun with that, I would go somewhere where they cannot see and make lots of noise etc. with lots of laughter and silliness. I would video it and then go over to their front door and ring the bell. When it is answered, hand them a CD of what you all were doing that they could not see and tell them that you did not want them to feel left out. And you know what? The morning glories is not a bad idea either.

  • Deb Martin Knaff Deb Martin Knaff on Feb 10, 2017

    I believe being neighborly is so important to our very existence and yours sounds like it could get very ugly, very quickly. What about hosting a BBQ/picnic for all your neighbors and invite them. Maybe if they got to know you and your dogs better, they might find you all have more in common than you you do differences. Maybe during your picnic, you, your other friends & neighbors could offer to assist in fixing the fence as a neighborhood project. It would be a nice gesture and if the relationship goes south for any reason, you have many folks who could attest first hand the many efforts you made to be good neighbors even if you landed in the court system. I wish you good luck as there is nothing worse than neighbor warfare.

    • Sue Kiene Sue Kiene on Feb 11, 2017

      In all probability those neighbors would be the ones that would not come and defeating the purpose of the get together. Additionally I could see them calling the cops complaining about the noise.

  • Sue Kiene Sue Kiene on Feb 11, 2017

    BTW Sherrie that fence that is falling apart probably has dry rotted boards as well as cross members so even when you nail them back on or screw them on if that is a problem it will never hold.

    The worst part is that if someone stepped on a board and found a nail, guess who is liable for medical bills etc. You, if that board is on your property. And your liability insurance may not cover you because you allowed it to happen by leaving that board there.

  • Sidney Rippy McLaughlin Sidney Rippy McLaughlin on Feb 13, 2017

    It looks like if you gave it about half a shove, the whole thing would fall into their yard, which would be better than into yours, but I like the BBQ idea best.

  • Simk Simk on May 08, 2020

    Did you consider stand alone trellis? You can purchase or have someone you know build them for you, and they are attractive when slightly staggered.

  • Susan Susan on Dec 12, 2021

    I would put up a couple tall steel poles and install a clothes line and hang outdoor material curtains that would block the unsightly fence and also block them from looking into your yard

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Nov 19, 2022

    Check with local ordinances before doing anything fence-wise and have your property survey handy. Other than that, I would use fast growing trees.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 28, 2022

    INVEST IN A DECENT fENCE . put a trellis ontop and grow a fast growing vine etc.

  • Mogie Mogie on Dec 08, 2022

    If someone knows the rules of the game they can make life miserable for you. Make notes of everytime you do something. Like write on a calendar if you buy no bark collars. Yes they make those but they can be rather cruel. We had one on our dog and when the others dogs barked her collar zapped her. We just threw it away. But make a paper trail that proves you have tried and are willing to try to make this situation better.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 16, 2023

    Pop a note through the door, suggesting you have a meeting or chat about joint concerns!

  • Mogie Mogie on Sep 23, 2023

    Never plant anything invasive. It might seem like a funny idea to make your neighbor miserable now but some day someone else is going to own that property and be cussing you out under their breath as they are on their hands and knees pulling runners.

  • Todd Campbell Todd Campbell on Oct 14, 2023

    I would put an affordable wire fencing on your side of the yard as close as possible to the wood fence. Then plant Leyland cypress all the way down the fence row. They grow fast, but would start with the largest ones I could find. They will completely hide the fence, and also be tall enough so the neighbors can't see over them into your yard, pretty quickly. I say put a wire fence up first because the dogs can't go around or through the trees to get to the wood openings in the existing wood fence.