Any tips to get old textured vinyl clean?

Old house. Even after cleaning, filthy. Dirt is sealed due to years of different products. I suggested just replacing or having professionally steamed. Anyone have this issue ( old house)

  7 answers
  • Dee Dee on Jun 03, 2018

    I think that floor has seen better days. I would replace it.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jun 03, 2018

    I don't know if you could rent one of these machines but this is pretty awesome:

  • Mogie Mogie on Jun 03, 2018

  • Deb K Deb K on Jun 03, 2018

    You can run new flooring right over top of the old as long as there are no gouges or large damage

  • Shawn Backus Shawn Backus on Jun 03, 2018

    If you can't replace it steam it. My mom's house was like that, when we moved back to the same state to take care of her my feet were worse than that - it was appalling. But I have a steam shark and it made a drastic difference. It may take a couple times, and definitely buy extra pads so you can change them out while doing the floors.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Jun 03, 2018

    I think replacing it is the only option.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jun 12, 2018

    If the floor was just dirty, then steam cleaning would be worth the time and effort. However, this floor is so worn out that both the design and colour are almost non existent. It is so porous that it is just going to absorb any dirt like a magnet again after cleaning.

    Agree with everyone who said it's time to replace.