How to cover ugly concrete floor?

by Bernadette
  5 answers
  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Jun 12, 2018

    Hello Bernadette, There are different options, from painting it, stenciling it, covering it with pad and carpeting, a floating wood flooring, linoleum, tile, pebblestone flooring or rubberstone (depending on whether or not this "ugly concrete floor" is in the garage or not ... unless you may even prefer it in a basement). It all depends on WHERE this floor is at and what YOU have in mind as far as what the room will be used for, how you want it to look, etc. If you could give you could give us more information, we will try to give you helpful ideas and suggestions. Thank you for using Hometalk, and we do hope to hear from you soon :)

  • Jacquie Trundy Jacquie Trundy on Jun 12, 2018

    Concrete paint.

  • William William on Jun 12, 2018

    Paint is the cheapest. Here is what other Hometalkers did.

  • Brenda Brandt Deason Brenda Brandt Deason on Jun 12, 2018

    I had good luck with textured epoxy. Easy to roll on, looks nice, and a really tough surface.

  • Deni Deni on Jun 12, 2018

    Ceramic tile will be a nice change. You can get 18 in by 18 in tiles so it makes the job go faster. Is the floor in the house or in the garage? It can be re-concreted with a pigmented concrete any color you like, then polished to a shine. If all else fails, get a big rug! Ha Ha Good luck.