How can I store my fabric in my new sewing room?

I’m planning my new sewing room (we’re moving) but am struggling with sorting out my fabric storage. I have quite a bit of fabric and I can fold it all uniformly to fit anywhere BUT I would like to be able to see it AND I would like it relatively contained somehow to keep out of the dust etc. Any ideas? I often have kids in my home so glass-fronted cupboards would probably get broken.

  8 answers
  • Sweet Image Sweet Image on Jun 15, 2018

    those hanging shelves, like you put shoes in, are great for things like that...the ones that have 12x12 little 'boxes'

  • Betty Dailey Edwards Betty Dailey Edwards on Jun 15, 2018

    Go to your local fabric store, there always throwing empty

    bolts. collect as many as needed. Have them save some for you, Place you fabric on the and place them in a bookcase is a sewing room .If you have a sm amt. of fabric. cut the bolt in half, place a 2" piece over the end and use it. Not good for fabric to stay folded , needs air.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jun 15, 2018

    Would mesh cubes work?

    comment photo
  • Amanda Amanda on Jun 15, 2018

    Hi Amanda. You can purchase a clear tote. I would roll the fabrics up and place them standing up in the tote. Then you should see all of the fabrics from the top of the tote.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 15, 2018

    I assume you will have a closet. Use wood suit bangers to hang the fabric because they can handle the weight of larger pieces of fabric. Get the rods you can hang off the top rod to add an extra layer underneath. You can also use those closets that you can buy at Walmart that have the covering over the entire closet and zippers to open the front. That should keep your fabric dust free. You can also store bins in the bottom for patterns and other things to keep them organized and out of the way.

  • Emily Emily on Jun 15, 2018

    I have just been going through the boxes of fabric I have and I have forgotten or mis remembered so many of them a/c they are in closed containers. I would look for shallow and tall cabinets, that could have plexiglass doors, or any kind of doors. Cabinets are easier to look in. Or if your space does not lend itself to that, what about boxes turned upside down and with openings in the side, again covered with plexiglass, and so you are able to lift the box off with out lifting it down. One problem I was having was lifting down, from over my head, heavy boxes.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Jun 15, 2018

    I keep mine in the clear sided plastic crates or bins.... put like types together: kids fabrics, quilt fabrics, dress fabrics, home decor fabrics etc... the boxes stack well and you can pretty much see what is in the container (mine are the clamshell topped ones from Lowe's)

  • Janice Janice on Jun 15, 2018

    Hi Amanda, rolling the fabric will keep it from fading or getting dusty along the folds. I suggest you get several clear plastic drop cloths (maybe from DollarTree) and cut pieces in sizes so the fabric can be rolled with the clear plastic rolled with the fabric for the last couple of rolls. Does this make sense? Then I'd also be sure to label each piece of the fabric with a tag stating the length (amount) of fabric on the roll so you can at a glance know if the amount of fabric is enough for a prospective pattern or project. Place the fabric rolls on end in a bin, box, tall enough so they will stay upright in the container. Store in a corner or on a shelf depending on where it will fit into your new sewing room.