How can I get mold out of outdoor pillow covers?

by Lorraine
The fabric is cotton canvas or duck. I've tried bleach which lightened the 'dots' a bit, but they are still visable. Thanks.

  4 answers
  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on Jun 15, 2018

    Try soaking them in white vinegar for a day, if you can take them off, or use something like Oxiclean.

  • Vinegar! A good soak overnight should do it. Also kills mold spores, bleach does not.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jun 15, 2018

    Oxiclean bleach (for the laundry) should help. That’s what are used to clean my outdoor hammock pillows and it seems quite successful. Perhaps scrub problem areas with a toothbrush.

    That’s what I used to clean my outdoor hammock pillows and it seems successful.

    Coincidentally—I recently noticed that Oxy is now in deck cleaners to wipe out mold and mildews —-so its my hope the laundry Oxy will help solve your problem.

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  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 15, 2018

    bleach does not kill mildew contrary to most thinking so, white vinegar, water and blue dawn dish soap in a spray bottle