Ideas on how to combine these two pieces.

by Berni
Would like to create a jewelry/Vanity storage which is what I use for now but would like to paint/tile etc. (Open to ideas). To make them look elegant and matching, I like more natural and I was thinking abalone. Inside mussel shells. Glass bobbled. Just not sure.
  3 answers
  • Linda Hunt Linda Hunt on Jun 28, 2018

    If you mean the cabinets to be connected as one piece you can easily screw them together or use Liquid Nails. Now, since you did say anything goes I suggest chalk paint with a pale hue of your choice for both pieces for your elegant look. You could then outline the details of the whole piece with a couple of shades deeper for the elegance. Both ways keep it simple. Then I would suggest that you glue on a pattern that starts at the bottom and finishes at the the peak with your pieces that you choose from your shells, beads to glass bobbles, etc. I would draw the pattern you want so you have a guide to follow and lay out your "pretties" on the pattern so you may adjust until each piece has that ah ha moment for your style. Good grief. I do apologize for going on so long. Show us your finished piece as I am sure it will be gorgeous in any treatment you use.

  • Berni Berni on Jul 09, 2018

    Thank you, love your ideas.

  • Berni Berni on Sep 22, 2018

    Thank you u came across this Bobble, that I would love to do it in and can't figure out how to

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