Advice on mirror losing the finish

Rhonda S
by Rhonda S
We updated a bathroom in 2015 and I got what I thought were perfect mirrors with medicine cabinets for the space. purchased new from either Home Depot or Lowes (I have forgotten.) Now, just three years later, the lower edge of both mirrors has begun to darken as the mirror finish comes loose from the back side. Question one, short of kicking out the son who takes 20 minute hot showers without the fan running, how do I keep from getting worse in the short term. Question two, can I remirror it as a DIY or is it better left to pros? (I could just replace the chest and mirror because they were less than $200 at original purchase, but that's a lot of work, too. ) I would put up photos, but I'm getting an error message.

  9 answers
  • Mindy D. Mindy D. on Jul 01, 2018

    The "Silvering" on the back of the mirror is degenerating due to the moisture getting in behind it. The fan should always be running when showering (especially 20 min. showers) ha! You can have the mirror re-silvered, but is the mirror worth it?

    • Rhonda S Rhonda S on Jul 01, 2018

      Probably not. The entire cabinet and door were not terribly expensive, but I hate to see something go so soon after installation. I'll try to remind him to use the fan.

  • Oliva Oliva on Jul 01, 2018

    Resilvering mirrors is very costly. Easier to replace mirrors and install a large exhaust fan that can handle 20 min. showers, AND has a moisture sensor that automatically turns on when your son fails to turn on the fan. Most contractors tell you to leave exhaust fan run a minimum of 20 minutes additional, after shower is done. Some companies advised squeegeeing walls and ceiling, and floor tile, to remove water. If you have a glass shower enclosure, apply 2 coats of Rain X to shower glass, to facilitate clean up. Microfiber towels are great for removing water in shower areas.

    Could cleaners be adding to problem? Sales people advised never to apply cleaner/spray directly to glass mirrors. Always apply first to a cloth.

    Some companies will sell you the door, separately, from the back of the medicine cabinet.

    • Rhonda S Rhonda S on Jul 01, 2018

      Regarding the cleaning products...He may be putting window spray on the mirror. When I think of it it does look as if it could be drips from the front edge that spread to the back. I'll talk to him about that. Would the rainex work on the ceramic tiles in the shower itself?

  • ☘️ TxBella ☘️ TxBella on Jul 01, 2018

    Hi Rhonda I’m not sure how to keep it from getting worse I’d consult a professional. Unless you want to tackle the job yourself.

    The old Mirror Backing is worth more if you’re going for an antique value.

    If youre simply wanting to DIY then there is a Rustloeum Spray Paint for Mirrors

    I found on Amazon

    You may want to check out . good luck☘️!

    • Rhonda S Rhonda S on Jul 02, 2018

      Thanks, Ireland! I had an antique mirror in a different house years ago that the flaws gave charm, but this just looks damaged, so I'll try the spray. I appreciate the link.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 01, 2018

    Don't get rid of the son! But you can fix it yourself. There is a spray paint made by Krylon that is a mirror finish. Clean the back of mirror-let it dry. Spray the area that was damaged. It will look like a dull silver finish. But the front of mirror will look like you silvered it. It will take several coats. Then you need to paint or spray paint over the mirror finish. Please make sure the spray paint is an enamel based paint. This should resist better the moisture but not totally. Use the fan or get an electrician in to hook up the fan when you turn on the light. Hope this helps.

    • Rhonda S Rhonda S on Jul 01, 2018

      I like having him around, and the dogs would miss him, so he stays. I'll look for the mirror spray. Thank you.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jul 01, 2018

    Try this mixture

  • Deb K Deb K on Jul 01, 2018

    Mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with a quarter cup of water and scrub into thestain. Let the mixture sit on the stain for about an hour. Wash the piece of clothing in cold water, once complete check to see if the stain is removed, if not repeat before drying.

    • Rhonda S Rhonda S on Jul 02, 2018

      Thank you, Debker, from Canada. I doubt this stain can be removed. It isn't the fabric, but the mirror itself. But I appreciate your taking the time to answer.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 01, 2018

    You could use Krylon mirror finish spray paint. Then spray an enamel based paint over that. Also you could get an electrician in to hook up your fan to the light switch-this would solve the fan problem.

  • Rhonda S Rhonda S on Jul 01, 2018

    Thank you, Sharon. It's a three switch light/fan/heater combo. It may not be large enough. We will look at that, too.

  • Rhonda S Rhonda S on Jul 02, 2018

    Yay! It's going to let me post a photo.

    (Not of the damage, but of the mirrors shortly after installation. The redo was a DIY task where we went to stud walls and came back with new materials and fixtures.)

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