How to remove a stain in granite countertop?

by Mary
My daughter has a large blue stain in her bathroom granite countertop. It is from the blue toothpaste left open and flowing out by the children. I have tried everything to wash it off, but it does not appear to be decreasing. It is approximately 3-4 inches round. Appreciate any feedback.
  6 answers
  • B. Enne B. Enne on Jul 03, 2018

    How to remove toothpaste residue from granite?
  • Sherry Sherry on Jul 04, 2018

    Have you tried "Whip it" from Bed, Bath and Beyond? Pretty awesome stuff!

  • Mary Mary on Jul 05, 2018

    No I haven't tried it, but I will definitely keep it in mind. Thanks.

  • William William on Jul 27, 2018

    Marble, granite, and stone do NOT like having acidic (ie: citrus-based) cleaners used on them. Citrus or vinegar will actually cause “etching” on granite countertops. Not a good thing. Granite countertops also don’t like it when you use something like Windex on them because it strips the “seal” off of the stone.

    If you are trying to remove an old stain, create a dense paste of more baking soda and less water. Then place the paste over the stain, allowing it to function for a few minutes. After that wipe off the baking soda paste. If it is needed you can repeat the procedure until the stain vanishes.

    Apparently there are some very nice countertop/granite cleaners out there that do a great job…but $7.00 for a 12-ounce bottle? YOU can do better than that! :-)

    After researching several homemade options out there…I discovered they all had the same basic ingredients…just in varying amounts. Some had a LOT of alcohol in them…some very little. I think the following “recipe” has a good balance of the ingredients, based on the information I read.

    Homemade Granite Cleaner, 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol (or cheap vodka), 3 drops of Dawn or other dish soap (Castile soap would also be a good alternative if you prefer), Water, 5-10 drops essential oil (optional – to help mask the alcohol smell).

    Put the rubbing alcohol or vodka into a 16 oz spray bottle. Add the dish soap, essential oil and fill up the rest of the bottle with water.

    Now give it a few shakes….THEN give it a try! It should give your countertops a nice, clean shine. Works on appliances too! All at a FRACTION of the price of the store-bought stuff.

  • Mary Mary on Jul 27, 2018

    Thank you very much for your information. I have not gotten back to getting that stain out at my daughter's but I will try these suggestion. Also thank you very much for your recipe to granite cleaner. We have granite everywhere. Interesting about the "etching" on my granite because I did use a vinegar or windex spray to clean the counter top in my kitchen and I do have "etching". I tried a sealer and applied it twice but I can still feel the "etching".

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jun 23, 2024

    Bleach on a cotton bud? Work it round and round and leave.