How to make a grapevine wreath?

by Denise
  6 answers
  • Deana Thaxton Samms Deana Thaxton Samms on Jul 09, 2018

    Denise, I've done this many years ago. If the vines are fresh, you can form a wreath as you collect the vines in the field. If they are dry, you'll need to soak them in a tub of water to soften them. Then start to form in a wreath shape, wrapping the ends around the vines. They are fairly easy to work with. You might want to wear gloves to protect your hands.

    • Denise Denise on Jul 09, 2018

      THANK YOU, I have the vines, but they actually are dry so I will soak them, but as you are wrapping the wreath, how do you keep the vines stuck in without them coming out and unraveling(if that is the correct term)

  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jul 09, 2018

    I love making wreaths, and make the ones about the right size for a door. I am attaching a copy of the one I made this year and hung on my door for July 4th.

    Strip off the leaves, but live the twigs to add character.

    I usually take about 3-4 limbs pretty long but about the same length and tie them together with string (string can be removed when wreath has dried out.

    I don't plait them, but I sort of loosely wrap them around each other, moving in a circle as I wrap...hopefully to they are long enough to more than complete a circe

    When I get a complete circle, I wrap all of them around the beginning and continue. When I get to about a foot from the end of this group, I start sticking in other pieces, continuing to wrap. If you have something that just won't stay in place where you want it, use more string. It will stay in place once it has dried.

    Notice on the photo where I wove a sort of "pocket" at the bottom. I was going to use it for another theme, but found that pocket was a perfect base to hot glue on my stars! When "weaving" across a wreath, you will need to use the smaller diameter more flexible pieces. You anchor the wide end into the sides of the wreath and just work it.

    The second photo is one I just started on and have not can see starts and stops...these will disappear as you finish your wreath.

    Remember you can use string to hold it any time you need to. You can tie these ends down if you want to, but it is no necessary.

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    • See 1 previous
    • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jul 10, 2018

      Yu can also use any sort of vine for making wreaths...Kudzu, ivy, etc. They will cure (dry out) in a matter of a week or so.

      We had something more pressing come up so I did not get much done this year!

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Jul 09, 2018

    Here is a video that might help -

  • Deana Thaxton Samms Deana Thaxton Samms on Jul 28, 2018

    You just twist them around each other, tucking the ends underneath the previous vine. They are actually very easy to work with if they're soft.

  • Deana Thaxton Samms Deana Thaxton Samms on Jul 28, 2018

    Let me know how it goes.