How to make a framework around a bedroom cedar chest?

by Shi29220786
I would like to make a framework around a cedar chest in my bedroom so I can bring electrical cords up behind it and put a shelf up above the cedar chest - I hate having all the electric cords showing and I need to be able to open the cedar chest without having things on it - I would like to use posts - I don't know what to call them - something like landscape timbers but they are more for inside than outside - Hope someone can make out what I am asking.

  1 answer
  • Avinash Limaye Avinash Limaye on Jul 11, 2018

    Use Artificial Trelly vvraped around platic pipe, pass all electrical vvires through through this pipe.

    • Shi29220786 Shi29220786 on Jul 11, 2018

      Thank you for the suggestion BUT What in the world is Artificial Trelly - HA - I'm kind of dumb about this kind of stuff. I always was out with my dad in his workshop when I was growing up but all I did was hold things and hand him things. I got LOTS of ideas from him but he did them for me. I am now an 84 year old widow and I still gets lots of ideas but I can't always figure out how to follow through on them. - Your suggestion sounds very practical but I guess I will have to make a trip to Menards OR Home Depot and check out Artificial Trelly - Thanks so much for your help.