What is best design to replace a 14 x 22 wood deck in Florida?

by DLisa

Currently next to house. Would like to have a built-in fire pit area, but can't be that close to house. Or maybe a pergola or maybe just sod with stepping stones to pool equipment.

  2 answers
  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jul 16, 2018

    Hello Dlisa,

    Have you considered a stone surface vs decking with attached pergola or covered structure? Decking has a certain amount of care, maintenance and lifespan.

    If I has a do over...I would not have built my 2015 decking as it currently exists. Heres a few images that could be repurposed to your needs or combined, for your consideration.

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  • Mogie Mogie on Jul 16, 2018

    Why does the design have to be the same size as the current wood deck? Make it larger and incorporate everything that you want. If it was me I would have a seating area with small table and end tables, bbq/smoker area, fire pit, perhaps a small bar and a water feature. None of these have to be big and expensive. The bar could be on locking rollers for storage purposes. The water feature doesn't have to be a $1000 purchase. Make your own.

    Make a pallet bar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09kpOxGOntg