Looking for a solution for covering out porch for the winter?

by Skip
Snow comes up to our porch and door, it’s our back porch. We are seniors and climbing a ladder just can’t do anymore no family to help. We have put things up but now I just do not know what is next. We made wood and plastic it work for a few years but now we just need something that would be easier. Any help would be great.

  3 answers
  • Jcraw Jcraw on Jul 13, 2018

    If you have posts approximately 8 feet apart, you could use lattice. Rather than just plonking up the lattice, first get quality clear plastic and staple it to the lattice.

    Attach to your posts with multiple zip ties. Zip ties are avaiable at any hardware store. Extra-length ties, up to 60”, are available on line.


    If you need longer length or height, connect the lattice with the zip ties and reinforce them with lengths of rebar or 1” x 4” lengths of wood, which can be unscrewed at winters end.

    These units zip ties can be cut off in the spring and the panels stacked in the garage.

    • Skip Skip on Jul 13, 2018

      Thank you. We may half to try that sound like it would work. Screwing to the wood is not good that’s what we did before. Damage to the wood after years of use. Anymore ideas would be great. I want to close it in but my husband will not let me

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Jul 15, 2018

    I Certainly understand re the decision dilemma. We have those discussions as well.

    The cable zipties are inexpensive, and depending on your wind/snow levels, can be attached to your posts at every “hole” in the lattice.

    Reinforcing the lattice obviously depends on your weather and distance between posts.

    But it can be attractive with a couple of “window” planters hanging from the exterior. You’ll still have light using clear vinyl, and at the holidays a cute tree on the porch.

    If the white trellis is too much (very white) doesn’t work with your house, please paint it with exterior paint to flatter or match either the house or a slightly darker paint. On my house, I would paint.

    My only other option would be to buy high-quality exterior blinds, and secure them at the bottom.



    For these I’ve googles “porch shades for Alaska”, figuring I might as well go for the extreme.

    Best of luck You’ve another month or two to work this out.

  • An inexpensive, easy solution might be tension rods and shower liners. It would keep snow and elements out, be easy to open or close, and it would be weather proof.

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