How can I renew a butcher board that's already painted with varnish?

by User

It’s an old butcher board I have, that is used as a table, and I want to remove the old varnis and to paint with a black washing paint.

  1 answer
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jul 14, 2018

    If it’s old, the butcher board is possibly stained. Clean the table with a degreasing solution, like water, a little vinegar, and a few drops of Dawn. Dry the table. Then sand the varnish off on all sides. After sanding, you could use the paint you want, then seal it all with a clear oil-based sealer like polyurethane. You may have a treasure ☺️

    • User User on Jul 15, 2018

      Thank you very much!! Can’t wait to do it. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻